A+ Strategies for LCRR School and Childcare Sampling Compliance

A+ Strategies for LCR School and Childcare Sampling Compliance

on demand webinar recorded may 2023
The U.S. EPA revised its Lead and Copper Rule in October 2021. Part of those revisions require water utilities to conduct school and childcare sampling and education activities. This session will give attendees the tools they need to understand the revisions’ impact on school and childcare sampling for lead and best practices for compliance and gaining public trust. *In October 2024, the EPA released the final Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) to strengthen the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) promulgated in 2021. Most of the improve­ments go into effect November 1, 2027.*

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*In October 2024, the EPA released the final LCRI to strengthen the LCRR promulgated in 2021. For the latest information, this is a list of FAQs our experts are receiving from water utilities about the LCRI. This explainer is our team's interpretation of the rule as they are reviewing the changes.

Upon completing this course learners should be able to…

  • Understand what the LCRR requires for school and childcare sampling and education 
  • Understand logistical strategies to comply with the LCRR while maintaining public trust 
  • Understand public education strategies to comply with the LCRR while maintaining public trust 

Trevor McProud has 13 years of technical and regulatory experience in developing and imple­ment­ing the complex regulatory frameworks which water suppliers and other clients must navigate to provide their services and public resources. He led the oversight of the New York City Department of Health School Sampling Program for four years. He brings a depth of knowledge and under­stand­ing of drinking water supply compliance issues, including monitoring, reporting, and corrective actions require­ments. 

Rose Hanson has eight years of experience helping the public understand complicated technical and policy-related topics in the archi­tec­tural/engineering industry. This experience includes leading public outreach and education efforts for lead service line inventories and replacement programs across the United States. Passionate about creating tailored messaging for every audience, Rose focuses on producing commu­ni­ca­tions that are clear to the reader.