

You're seeking inventive solutions for our ever-changing world. We're devoted to combining traditional practices with new approaches. Let's work together to discover the perfect approach tailored to your unique needs. Our experts are great listeners who apply their knowledge to your biggest challenges and deliver high-quality results.
Drone in flight

Envi­ron­men­tal challenges, meet big data


We're passionate about bringing together the latest technology with time-tested methods of envi­ron­men­tal cleanup and restoration. With significant R&D investments and the energy of our experts, we are finding ways to use data analysis, visu­al­iza­tion, drones and more to solve our clients' toughest problems. 

Sky Wave: machine learning powers ecosystem restoration

Road usage charging supports greener transportation solutions


As this powerful policy tool gains popularity as a means of paying for our transportation system, we are here for you to tackle policy development, pilot testing, and public outreach. Electric and fuel-efficient vehicles are the future, and CDM Smith can help you level-set more equitable and sustainable options for the future.


RUC: the key to paying for roads without the gas tax

RUC Rual
Ultrasonic Testing

Strategies for pipeline inspection


Effective capital planning for addressing the needs of our aging, buried pressure pipelines begins with a thorough understanding of their current condition. We can gain valuable insights into the state of these assets, allowing us to predict their remaining useful life.


Assessing pipeline condition to budget for future improvements

Davonna Moore
Davonna Moore
Equity Advocate
Meet Davonna
Jayson Brennan
Jayson Brennen
Asset Management Master
Meet Jayson
Davonna Moore
Davonna Moore
Equity Advocate
Meet Davonna
Jayson Brennan
Jayson Brennen
Asset Management Master
Meet Jayson
Tim Ashmore
Tim Ashmore
Geothermal Pioneer
Meet Tim
Travis Dunn
Travis Dunn
Transportation Policy Pro
Meet Travis
Tim Ashmore
Tim Ashmore
Geothermal Pioneer
Meet Tim
Travis Dunn
Travis Dunn
Transportation Policy Pro
Meet Travis
Dan Rodrigo
Dan Rodrigo
One Water Visionary
Meet Dan
Matt Goss
Matt Goss
Energy Advisor
Meet Matt
Dan Rodrigo
Dan Rodrigo
One Water Visionary
Meet Dan
Matt Goss
Matt Goss
Energy Advisor
Meet Matt
Lauren Miller
Lauren Miller
Climate Resilience Champion
Meet Lauren
Lauren Miller
Lauren Miller
Climate Resilience Champion
Meet Lauren

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