Available Federal Contracting Vehicles

Available Federal Contracting Vehicles
Below are listed active U.S. government contracts held by CDM Smith and available for use by various agencies. For each contract, we have provided: contract number, dollar limit, and contract term; summary of the contract scope of services; and the CDM Smith contact for further information.

General Services Admin­is­tra­tion

GSA Multiple Award Schedule
(for­merly sep­a­rate con­tracts for Pro­fes­sional En­gi­neer­ing, MOBIS, and En­vi­ron­men­tal Ad­vi­sory)
GS-00F-085CA — no dollar limit — 1999-2025

  • SIN 541330ENG Engineering Services
  • SIN 541380 Testing Laboratory Services
  • SIN 541420 Engineering System Design and Integration Services
  • SIN 541611 Management and Financial Consulting, Acquisition and Grants Management Support
  • SIN 541620 Envi­ron­men­tal Consulting Services
  • SIN 541715 Engineering Research and Development and Strategic Planning

Lee Dioso, Senior Vice Pres­i­dent, DiosoLT@​cdm­smith.​com, 1.​703.​691.​6510

GSA Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Zone D
(held by Tazlina River Contractors, an 8(a) mentor-protégé JV)
47PL0122D0054—$500M shared capacity—1999-2025

  • Public Building Service IDIQ contract for EVSE instal­la­tion and related infra­struc­ture improve­ments

Jenne Atchison, Vice President, AtchisonJL@cdmsmith.com, 1.​760.710​.4685​

U.S. Agency for Inter­na­tional Development

USAID Global Ar­chi­tect-En­gi­neer Ser­vices III
7200AA21D0003— $800M shared ca­pac­ity — 2021-2028

  • En­gi­neer­ing de­sign and con­struc­tion su­per­vi­sion and re­lated sup­port in the areas of water re­sources, water sup­ply, waste­water, en­vi­ron­men­tal, trans­porta­tion, en­ergy, telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions, and fa­cil­i­ties

Laura Igle­sias, As­so­ci­ate, Igle­si­asLH@cdm­smith.​com, 1.​617.​452.​6203

USAID Lebanon A-E Services
72026819D00002 — $19M capacity — 2019-2026

  • Engineering support and quality assurance for overall engineering and construc­tion activities undertaken by USAID/Lebanon Mission Imple­ment­ing Partners

Ammar Daoud, Principal, DaoudAF@​cdmsmith.​com, +1703.691.6476

USAID Pakistan A-E Services
72039119D00005 — $60M shared capacity — 2018-2025

  • A-E services for trans­porta­tion, vertical structures, water control infra­struc­ture, and water and sanitation in Pakistan

Laura Iglesias, Associate, IglesiasLH@​cdmsmith.​com, 1.​617.​452.​6203

U.S. Air Force

A-E Support for Environmental Programs Worldwide
(held by Weston-CDM Smith JV)
FA8903-25-D-0017 — $1.5B shared capacity — 2025-2035

  • Environmental restoration, environmental conservation and planning, and environmental quality A-E services
  • A-E services to support Air Force worldwide infrastructure design and construction missions

Shawn Holsinger, PE, Client Service Leader, HolsingerNS@cdmsmith.com, 1.757.810.2475

Architect-Engineering Services (AE Next Pool 4)
(held by Pond-CDM Smith Joint Venture)
FA8903-21-D-0012 — $2B shared capacity — 2021-2031

  • A-E services to support Air Force worldwide infra­struc­ture design and construc­tion missions

Chris Blanchette, PE, PMP, CFM, Principal, Blanchet­teCJ@cdmsmith.com, 1.480.993.8504

A-E Services in Japan
FA5209-22-D-0008—$99M shared capacity—2022-2029

  • Title I Design, Title II Construc­tion Inspection, and Title III Other Profes­sional Services for inves­ti­ga­tions, studies, supervision and travel as required at Yokota Air Base, Camp Zama, and Misawa Air Base, Japan

Chris Blanchette, PE, PMP, CFM, Principal, Blanchet­teCJ@cdmsmith.com 1.480.993.8504

A-E Services at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana
FA4626-23-D-0003—$90M shared capacity—2022-2029

  • Multi-discipline design, engineering, surveying, commis­sion­ing, and planning for 341st Missile Wing

Chris Blanchette, PE, PMP, CFM, Principal, Blanchet­teCJ@cdmsmith.com 1.480.993.8504 

Regional Engineering and Construc­tion (RE&C) Contracts
(held by Ahtna-CDM Smith Joint Venture)
FA8903-17-D-0001 (West Region); FA8903-17-D-0012 (Central Region); FA8903-17-D-0023 (East Region)—$2.5B shared capacity—2016-2025

  • Design, construc­tion and engineering at Air Force instal­la­tions and other locations in the United States

Chris Blanchette, PE, PMP, CFM, Principal, Blanchet­teCJ@cdmsmith.com 1.480.993.8504

Space Coast Multiple Award Construc­tion Contract
(held by Klutina River Contractors, an 8(a) mentor-protégé JV)
FA2521-21-D-0013—$750M shared capacity—2022-2031

  • Design-bid-build/design-build services up to 100% and maintenance, repair and minor construc­tion work at Patrick AFB, Cape Canaveral AFS, and other instal­la­tions

Chris Blanchette, PE, PMP, CFM, Principal, Blanchet­teCJ@cdmsmith.com 1.480.993.8504

Worldwide Engineering and Construc­tion (WE&C) Contracts
(held by CDM/CAPE Joint Venture)
FA8903-17-D-0038—$2.6B shared capacity—2017-2025

  • Design, construc­tion and engineering at Air Force instal­la­tions and other locations worldwide

Chris Blanchette, PE, PMP, CFM, Principal, Blanchet­teCJ@cdmsmith.com 1.480.993.8504

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)

 USACE Europe District A-E Services for Baltics

W912GB-22-D-0012 — $49M shared capacity — 2022-2027

  • Planning and design of military facilities in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania

Jenna Atchison, PE, Vice President, AtchisonJL@cdmsmith.com 1.760.710.4685

USACE Europe District Envi­ron­men­tal Compliance Services

W912GB-21-D-0045 — $30M shared capacity — 2021-2026

  • Profes­sional services for envi­ron­men­tal regulatory compliance and hazardous materials/waste management

Brian Osborn, Program Manager, Brian.Osborn@cdmsmith.com 011.49.6257.504.0

USACE Europe District MILCON A-E Services for Western Europe
W923GB-24-D-0028 — $95M shared capacity — 2024-2026

  • Planning and design of MILCON-funded military facilities in Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg

Jenna Atchison, PE, Vice President, AtchisonJL@cdmsmith.com 1.760.710.4685

USACE Europe District Non-MILCON A-E Services for Western Europe
W923GB-24-D-0034 — $95M shared capacity — 2024-2026

  • Planning and design funded outside the MILCON program of military facilities in Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg

Jenna Atchison, PE, Vice President, AtchisonJL@cdmsmith.com 1.760.710.4685

USACE Europe District North Israel Construc­tion MATOC for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Projects 
W912GB-21-D-0027 — $50M capacity — 2021-2026

  • Real property repair and renovation, associated envi­ron­men­tal work, force protection work, and construc­tion services in support of the Israel Ministry of Defense 

Jenna Atchison, PE, Vice President, AtchisonJL@cdmsmith.com 1.760.710.4685

USACE Europe District Poland Construc­tion MATOC 
W923GB-24-D-0028 — $98M capacity — 2024-2026

  • Design-Build and Design-Bid-Build in Support of Defense Operations in Poland

Jenna Atchison, PE, Vice President, AtchisonJL@cdmsmith.com 1.760.710.4685

USACE Europe District Runway/Taxiway Repair MATOC for FMS Projects
W912GB-24-D-0003 — $50M capacity — 2023-2028

  • Real property repair and renovation for reha­bil­i­ta­tion and estab­lish­ment of runways and taxiways

Jenna Atchison, PE, Vice President, AtchisonJL@cdmsmith.com 1.760.710.4685

USACE Europe District South Israel Construc­tion MATOC for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Projects 
W912GB-21-D-0036 — $50M capacity — 2021-2026

  • Real property repair and renovation, associated envi­ron­men­tal work, force protection work, and construc­tion services in support of the Israel Ministry of Defense 

Jenna Atchison, PE, Vice President, AtchisonJL@cdmsmith.com 1.760.710.4685

USACE Galveston District MATOC for Planning, Engineering, and Construc­tion Phase A-E Services
(held by CEC-CDM Smith, a mentor protégé JV)
W912HY-19-D-0001 — $96M shared capacity — 2019-2026
  • Planning, design, and engineering during construc­tion in support of the Civil Works mission 

Benjamin Bennett, Ph.D., PMP, Associate, BennettB@cdmsmith.com, 1.919.325.3625

USACE Galveston District MATOC for Planning, Engineering, and Construc­tion Phase A-E Services
(held by Freese & Nichols | CDM Smith | COWI JV)
W912HY-19-D-0008 — $96M shared capacity — 2019-2026
  • Planning, design, and engineering during construc­tion in support of the Civil Works mission

Timothy Feather, Ph.D., Vice President, FeatherTD@cdmsmith.com,1.312.780.7857

USACE Institute for Water Resources MATOC
W912HQ-22-D-0005 — $47M capacity — 2022-2027

  • Analytical and profes­sional support for the USACE Civil Works mission 

Timothy Feather, Ph.D., Vice President, FeatherTD@cdmsmith.com, 1.312.780.7857

USACE Jack­sonville District Civil Works A-E Services 
W912EP-22-D-0004 — $130M shared capacity — 2022-2027

  • Miscel­la­neous A-E services within Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands

Benjamin Bennett, Ph.D., PMP, Associate, BennettB@cdmsmith.com, 1.919.325.3625

USACE Japan District Military A-E Services
(held by Pond-CDM Smith Joint Venture)
W912HV-25-D-0007 — $249M shared capacity — 2024-2031
  • Military planning, design, and construc­tion services for U.S. instal­la­tions in Japan

Chris Blanchette, PE, PMP, CFM, Associate, Blanchet­teCJ@cdmsmith.com, 1.480.993.8504

USACE Kansas City District Civil Works A-E Services 
W912DQ-19-D-1007 — $90M shared capacity — 2019-2026

  • Civil works planning and design services

Timothy Feather, Ph.D., Vice President, FeatherTD@cdmsmith.com, 1.312.780.7857

USACE Kansas City District Military A-E Services 
W912DQ-21-D-4010 — $125M shared capacity — 2021-2028

  • Design and other A-E services for vertical structures and horizontal infra­struc­ture at military instal­la­tions

Jenna Atchison, Vice President, AtchisonJL@cdmsmith.com 1.760.710.4685

USACE Louisville District A-E Design MATOC 
W912QR-23-D-0043 — $45M shared capacity — 2023-2027

  • A-E services for civil works in Great Lakes and Ohio River Division mission boundaries, primarily for Infra­struc­ture Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)-funded projects

Timothy Feather, Ph.D., Vice President, FeatherTD@cdmsmith.com, 1.312.780.7857

USACE Louisville District MATOC for Envi­ron­men­tal A-E Services 
(held by Weston-CDM Smith JV)
W912QR-23-D-0005 — $45M shared capacity — 2023-2027

  • A-E services for hazardous, toxic, and radioactive waste sites in Great Lakes and Ohio River Division mission boundaries, primarily for IIJA-funded projects
Shawn Holsinger, PE, Client Service Leader, HolsingerNS@cdmsmith.com, 1.757.810.2475

USACE Mobile District Civil Works A-E Services
(held by CEC-CDM Smith, a mentor-protégé JV)
W91278-21-D-0045 — $46M shared capacity — 2021-2026

  • Planning and design for the CENTCOM Area of Respon­si­bil­ity and worldwide programs

Benjamin Bennett, Ph.D., PMP, Associate, BennettB@cdmsmith.com, 1.919.325.3625

USACE New England District A-E MATOC 
W912WJ-24-D-0005 — $49M shared capacity — 2024-2029

  • General engineering and design services for larger or more complex projects 

Benjamin Bennett, Ph.D., PMP, Associate, BennettB@cdmsmith.com, 1.919.325.3625

USACE New York District Coastal A-E Services
(held by CEC-CDM Smith, a mentor-protégé JV)
W912DS-22-D-0004—$50M shared capacity — 2022-2027

  • Civil works planning and design primarily for navigation, coastal flood risk management and ecosystem restoration projects in the NAN/NAD Region

Benjamin Bennett, Ph.D., PMP, Associate, BennettB@cdmsmith.com, 1.919.325.3625

USACE New York District Riverine A-E 
(held by CDM Smith-Arcadis-WSP Triventure)
W912DS-22-D-0017 $80M shared capacity 2022-2027

  • Civil works planning and design primarily for navigation, coastal flood risk management and ecosystem restoration projects in the NAN/NAD Region 

Benjamin Bennett, Ph.D., PMP, Associate, BennettB@cdmsmith.com, 1.919.325.3625

USACE North­west­ern Division HTRW A-E
W912DQ-24-D-3012 — $120M shared capacity — 2021-2028

  • Hazardous waste site remediation within EPA Region 2 and the North­west­ern Division

Laura Kelley, CHMM, PMP, Associate, KelleyLL@cdmsmith.com, 1.816.412.3146

USACE North­west­ern Division HTRW A-E
W912DQ-21-D-3004 — $225M shared capacity — 2021-2026

  • Hazardous waste site remediation within EPA Region 2 and the North­west­ern Division

Laura Kelley, CHMM, PMP, Associate, KelleyLL@cdmsmith.com, 1.816.412.3146  

USACE Omaha District MATOC for Contingency/Rapid Disaster Infra­struc­ture (RDI) Response - 8(a) Set-Aside
(held by Tanzlina River Contractors, an 8(a) mentor-protege JV)
W9128F-24-D-0001 — $254M shared capacity — 2024-2031
  • Time-sensitive disaster, infra­struc­ture, and construc­tion scopes of work to support federally funded customers

Benjamin Bennett, Ph.D., PMP, Associate, BennettB@cdmsmith.com, 1.919.325.3625

USACE Omaha District MATOC for Contingency/RDI Response - Unre­stricted
(held by CDM-Alberici JV)
W9128F-20-D-0002 — $999M shared capacity — 2019-2027

  • Time-sensitive disaster, infra­struc­ture, and construc­tion scopes of work to support federally funded customers 

Benjamin Bennett, Ph.D., PMP, Associate, BennettB@cdmsmith.com, 1.919.325.3625 

USACE San Francisco Civil Design A-E Services
(held by A3geo-CE&G Joint Venture)
W912P7-22-D-0001 — $5M capacity — 2022-2027

  • Civil works and military A-E services

Duane Stroup, Client Service Leader, StroupDD@cdmsmith.com, 1.916.567.9900

    USACE Savannah General Design Primarily Civil Works 
    W912HN-20-D-2002 — $15M capacity — 2020-2025

    • Civil works and military A-E services 

    Benjamin Bennett, Ph.D., PMP, Associate, BennettB@cdmsmith.com, 1.919.325.3625

    USACE Savannah District Puerto Rico Power MATOC 
    W912HN-23-D-5002 — $5 billion shared capacity — 2020-2025

    • Planning, coor­di­na­tion, and integration of efforts to execute power-system stabi­liza­tion in Puerto Rico

    Benjamin Bennett, Ph.D., PMP, Associate, BennettB@cdmsmith.com, 1.919.325.3625

    USACE Vicksburg District Dam and Levee Safety Toolbox Maintenance and Enhance­ments 

    W912EE-21-D-0011 — $15M capacity — 2021-2026

    • Programming and other services for National Levee Database, Levee Screening Tool, National Inventory of Dams, and other Inundation Consequence analysis tools 

    Timothy Feather, Ph.D., Vice President, FeatherTD@cdmsmith.com, 1.312.780.7857

    U.S. Army Environmental Command (AEC)

    AEC Envi­ron­men­tal Remediation Multiple Award IDIQ Contact (ERMA)
    (held by CAPE-CDM Smith, A Joint Venture)
    W9124J-24-D-0003 — $464M shared capacity — 2024-2029

    • Envi­ron­men­tal remediation services at instal­la­tions nationwide
    • Construc­tion services for remediation at Superfund sites in all 10 EPA Regions

    Shawn Holsinger, PE, Client Service Leader, HolsingerNS@cdmsmith.com, 1.757.810.2475

    U.S. Envi­ron­men­tal Protection Agency

    Office of Site Remediation Enforcement Blanket Purchase Agreement
    68HER­C24A0005 — $8M capacity — 2024-2029

    • Support to EPA for enforcement of the Compre­hen­sive Envi­ron­men­tal Response, Compen­sa­tion, and Liability Act (CERCLA)
    • Construc­tion services for remediation at Superfund sites in all 10 EPA Regions

    Veronica Winkeljohn, PE, PMP, Principal, WinkeljohnVL@cdmsmith.com, 1.313.230.5609

    Remedial Action Framework (RAF): Design & Engineering Services (DES) – CLINs 0001, 0002, and 0003
    68HE0318D0003 — $1.2B shared capacity — 2018-2028

    • A-E services for remediation at Superfund sites in all 10 EPA Regions

    (Regions 1-3) Janice Derby, PMP, LSP, Client Service Leader, DerbyJK@cdmsmith.com, 1.617.452.6000
    (Regions 4-5) Veronica Winkeljohn, PE, PMP, Principal, WinkeljohnVL@cdmsmith.com, 1.313.230.5609
    (Regions 6-10) Todd Bragdon, PE, Vice President, BragdonTR@cdmsmith.com, 1.720.264.1113

    RAF: Remediation Envi­ron­men­tal Services (RES) – CLINs 0001, 0002, and 0003 
    68HER­H19D0006 — $1.57B shared capacity — 2018-2028

    • Construc­tion services for remediation at Superfund sites in all 10 EPA Regions

    Scott Anderson, PE, Senior Vice President, AndersonSJ@cdmsmith.com, 1.704.208.2207

    RAF: Envi­ron­men­tal Services and Operations (ESO) – CLIN 0003 
    (held by Ahtna-CDM Smith JV)
    68HE0118D0020 — $255M capacity — 2021-2028

    • Technical support for cleanup programs at Superfund sites in EPA Regions 8, 9, and 10

    Todd Bragdon, PE, Vice President, BragdonTR@cdmsmith.com, 1.720.264.1113

    RAF: ESO – CLINs 0001 and 0002 
    (subcontract to Arrowhead Contracting)
    68HE0118D0001 — $255M capacity — 2018-2028

    • Technical support for cleanup programs at Superfund sites in EPA Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7

    Veronica Winkeljohn, PE, PM, Principal, WinkeljohnVL@cdmsmith.com, 1.313.230.5609

    Re­gion 9 Water Consulting Services Blanket Purchasing Agreement (BPA): Clean Water Act 
    68HE0922A0001—$20M capacity — 2022-2027 

    • Technical services for Clean Water Act imple­men­ta­tion in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and the Pacific Island Territories 

    Veronica Winkeljohn, PE, PM, Principal, WinkeljohnVL@cdmsmith.com, 1.313.230.5609

    Region 9 Water Consulting Services BPA: Infra­struc­ture 
    68HE0922A0006 — $20M shared capacity — 2022-2027

    • Technical services for drinking and wastewater infra­struc­ture funding and oversight programs in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and the Pacific Island Territories 

    Veronica Winkeljohn, PE, PM, Principal, WinkeljohnVL@cdmsmith.com, 1.313.230.5609

    U.S. Navy

    NAVFAC Atlantic Global Contingency Construc­tion (GCC) Multiple-Award Construc­tion Contract (MACC) 
    (held by CDM, a Joint Venture)
    N62470-21-D-0019 — $5B capacity — 2021-2029

    • Construc­tion and related engineering and services in response to natural disasters, human­i­tar­ian assistance, conflict, or projects with similar char­ac­ter­is­tics, and other urgent require­ments 

    Ward Doss, PE, Client Service Leader, DossGW@​cdmsmith.​com, 1.​757.​318.​9813

    NAVFAC Atlantic Utilities Engineering and Management
    (held by Utility Works JV)
    N62470-21-D-0005 — $70M capacity — 2021-2026

    • A-E services for utility infra­struc­ture management and operations and maintenance support
    Ward Doss, PE, Client Service Leader, DossGW@​cdmsmith.​com, 1.​757.​318.​9813

    NAVFAC Hawaii Shipyard Infra­struc­ture Opti­miza­tion Program (SIOP) A-E Support
    (held by WSM Pacific SIOP, a JV)
    N62742-20-R-0001 — $500M capacity — 2021-2026

    • Planning and design for structural and waterfront facilities 

    Ward Doss, PE, Client Service Leader, DossGW@​cdmsmith.​com, 1.​757.​318.​9813

    NAVFAC Pacific Utilities Engineering and Management Support
    (held by InSynergy)
    N62742-20-D-0101 — $20M capacity — 2020-2025

    • A-E services to assist in the management of the Navy electric, civil, and mechanical utility systems 

    Ward Doss, PE, Client Service Leader, DossGW@​cdmsmith.​com, 1.​757.​318.​9813

    NAVFAC Southeast West Area MACC 
    (held by Klutina River Contractors, an 8(a) mentor-protégé JV)
    N69450-21-D-066 — $249M shared capacity — 2021-2026

    • New construc­tion, renovation, and repair of general building projects at government instal­la­tions in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee

    Ward Doss, PE, Client Service Leader, DossGW@​cdmsmith.​com, 1.​757.​318.​9813

    NAVFAC Southwest Multiple-Award Remedial Action Contract (MARAC) 
    (held by North Wind-CDM JV)
    N62473-21-D-2215 — $240M shared capacity — 2021-2026

    • Envi­ron­men­tal remediation projects located predom­i­nantly at Navy and Marine Corps instal­la­tions 

    Veronica Winkeljohn, PE, PMP, Principal, WinkeljohnVL@​cdmsmith.​com, 1.​313.​230.​5609

    SeaPort-Next Generation Multiple Award Contract
    N00178-19-D-7328 — $500M capacity — 2018-2029

    • Engineering, technical and program­matic support services

    Ward Doss, PE, Client Service Leader, DossGW@​cdmsmith.​com, 1.​757.​318.​9813

    U.S. Department of Homeland Security

    Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Technical Assistance Program (HMTAP) Support, Sector B
    70FA6020D00000002 — $50M capacity —2020-2025

    • Technical services for pre-disaster, during-disaster, and post-disaster mitigation and envi­ron­men­tal respon­si­bil­i­ties

    Ginger Croom, PE, Vice President, CroomGL@​cdmsmith.​com, 1.​786.​437.​2754

    FEMA Public Assistance Technical Assistance Contract (PA TAC IV), West Zone
    (held by CH2M HILL-CDM PA TAC Recovery Services)
    70FB8024D000000004 — $571M capacity — 2024-2028

    • Public Assistance activities to help communities quickly respond to and recover from major disasters or emergencies declared by the President

    Ginger Croom, PE, Vice President, CroomGL@​cdmsmith.​com, 1.​786.​437.​2754

    FEMA A-E Production and Technical Services (PTS), Zone 2
    (held by the Compass PTS Joint Venture)
    70FA6021D00000004 —$600M shared capacity —2021-2026

    • A-E services for the Risk Management, Assessment, and Planning (Risk MAP) program, including flood hazard mapping, risk assessment tools, and hazard mitigation planning

    Ginger Croom, PE, Vice President, CroomGL@​cdmsmith.​com, 1.​786.​437.​2754

    U.S. Department of Agriculture

    U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service A-E IDIQ to Support Great American Outdoors Act
    (held by CEC-CDM Smith II, a Joint Venture)
    140F0822D0209 — $50M capacity — 2022-2027

    • Design, construc­tion inspection, general and envi­ron­men­tal studies, value engineering, and energy conser­va­tion practices
    Duane Stroup, PhD, PE, Client Service Leader, StroupDD@​cdmsmith.​com, 1.​916.​576.​9900


    U.S. Department of Interior

    Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Service Center General A-E Services IDIQ 
    140R8121D0015 — $45M capacity —2021-2026

    • A-E and profes­sional services for planned or existing construc­tion projects; new construc­tion, alteration, or renovation projects; or work from other related programs 

    Mark McCluskey, PE, Associate, McCluskeyMJ@​cdmsmith.​com, 1.​303.​383.​2467 

    Inter­na­tional Boundary & Water Commission A-E Services
    191B­W­C24D0004 —$3M per task order —2023-2028

    • A-E services for water, sanitation, and flood control projects on the U.S./Mexico border

    Duane Stroup, PhD, PE, Client Service Leader, StroupDD@​cdmsmith.​com, 1.​916.​576.​9900