
Emerging contaminants water testing

For communities, agencies and industries that are facing the fight against PFAS, we're right beside you.


Our engineers and scientists have an unpar­al­leled under­stand­ing of these pervasive chemicals. We can help you track evolving PFAS regulations, consider options for treatment and provide the results of our latest efforts to separate, concentrate, and destroy PFAS.

Get the latest intel on PFAS research and solutions

Envi­ron­men­tal challenges, meet big data.


We're passionate about bringing together the latest technology with time-tested methods of envi­ron­men­tal cleanup and restoration. With significant R&D investments and the energy of our experts, we are finding ways to use data analysis, visu­al­iza­tion, drones and more to solve our clients' toughest problems.

Sky Wave: machine learning powers ecosystem restoration

Drone in flight
Kalamazoo River

Our superpower is cleaning up complex contamination.


Restoring contaminated environments and reducing the short- and long-term risks of contamination are critical to protecting the air, water and land. Our teams bring mastery and sensitivity to the entire remediation life-cycle: from scoping through construction and site operations.

Tackling PCBs in the Kalamazoo River

Tamzen Wood Macbeth
Remediation Master
Meet Tamzen
John Pehrson
Air Quality Leader
Meet John
Tamzen Wood Macbeth
Remediation Master
Meet Tamzen
John Pehrson
Air Quality Leader
Meet John
Lauren Miller
Climate Resilience Mentor
meet lauren
Brendan Brown
Natural Resources Defender
meet brendan
Lauren Miller
Climate Resilience Mentor
meet lauren
Brendan Brown
Natural Resources Defender
meet brendan
Melissa Harclerode
Sustainability Chief
meet melissa
Melissa Harclerode
Sustainability Chief
meet melissa
Chris Gabel
Solid Waste Wizard
meet chris
Ian Ross
PFAS Destroyer
Meet Ian
Chris Gabel
Solid Waste Wizard
meet chris
Ian Ross
PFAS Destroyer
Meet Ian

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