Lisa Gove Elected President of New England Water Works Association
NEW ENGLAND — CDM Smith is pleased to announce that on September 23rd, Lisa H. Gove will be sworn in as president of the New England Water Works Association (NEWWA). NEWWA is the region’s largest and oldest non-profit, volunteer membership organization, with a vision to inspire excellence in the drinking water profession, water resource stewardship and public confidence in tap water.
Gove will be the fourth woman to hold the office of NEWWA president and is excited to participate in this year’s annual conference, which will be the first time in the association’s one hundred and thirty-eight-year history that the gavel will pass between two women presidents, and the first-ever virtual conference. Gove said, “The pandemic has put a spotlight on the critical need for safe water and the ongoing shortage of certified water system operators, essential to providing water to our local cities and towns. While other industries may be downsizing, water utilities are hiring and posting opportunities all over New England.”
In her position as associate and client service leader, Gove is responsible for the sales and oversight of engineering services to municipalities and agencies throughout New England. Her current work includes helping Massachusetts communities with water treatment systems to address PFAS, an emerging water contaminant.
Gove is also a long-time proponent of teaching school age children about the importance of drinking water. She encourages curious families and teachers preparing for remote learning to go to the NEWWA web site to check out the organization’s award-winning, K-12 youth education materials, or to go to the Imagine a Day Without Water website.
The New England Water Works Association (NEWWA) is a membership organization for those working or interested in the drinking water profession. Headquartered in Holliston, Mass., it brings together water utilities, consultants, manufacturers, vendors, regulators, academia, and other interested parties to network, educate, and advocate.