
The world is changing fast. Envi­ron­men­tal social governance (ESG) require­ments, shifting customer values, and investment consid­er­a­tions are upending the traditional ways that businesses differ­en­ti­ate themselves and evaluate their products. CDM Smith has decades of experience helping our clients navigate sustain­abil­ity initiatives and goals through multi­dis­ci­pli­nary expertise and sustain­abil­ity analytics. We are driven to help our clients achieve success as measured by the "triple bottom line" of people, planet and profit.
EcoVadis Sustainability Award 2024
EcoVadis Sustainability Rating
The EcoVadis rating recognises the sustainability performance of companies. CDM Smith has again won a silver medal in 2024. With a 94th percentile ranking, we are among the top 6% of all companies evaluated by EcoVadis at the time of the rating's publication.

Meet our sustain­abil­ity leaders

Headshot Carola Zeig
Dr. Carola Zeig has many years of experience in the fields of sanitary envi­ron­men­tal engineering, integrated waste management, and adaptation to climate change.
Meet Carola
Headshot Carola Zeig
Dr. Carola Zeig has many years of experience in the fields of sanitary envi­ron­men­tal engineering, integrated waste management, and adaptation to climate change.
Meet Carola
Headshot Klaus Piroth
Dr. Klaus Piroth's expertise includes heavy stormwater management and flood protection.
Meet Klaus
Headshot Klaus Piroth
Dr. Klaus Piroth's expertise includes heavy stormwater management and flood protection.
Meet Klaus
Dr. Volker Schrenk is our expert for all envi­ron­men­tal matters regarding soil and groundwater, buildings, permit management and energy transition.
Meet Volker
Dr. Volker Schrenk is our expert for all envi­ron­men­tal matters regarding soil and groundwater, buildings, permit management and energy transition.
Meet Volker
Nadja Pappenberger is our Team Leader regarding Grid Extension in Germany and Europe as part of the overall energy transition.
Meet Nadja
Nadja Pappenberger is our Team Leader regarding Grid Extension in Germany and Europe as part of the overall energy transition.
Meet Nadja
Headshot Veit Köllermann
Veit Köllermann’s core areas of expertise include Envi­ron­men­tal Due Diligence, cont­a­m­i­nated site inves­ti­ga­tions as well as building pollutants.
Meet Veit
Headshot Veit Köllermann
Veit Köllermann’s core areas of expertise include Envi­ron­men­tal Due Diligence, cont­a­m­i­nated site inves­ti­ga­tions as well as building pollutants.
Meet Veit
CDM Smith Envi­ron­men­tal Policy and Sustain­abil­ity Statement
CDM Smith is committed to responsibly investing in people and technologies that advance the best practices in addressing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards. We are dedicated to transparently reporting the firm’s sustainability performance using consistent, comparable and reliable reporting frameworks.
Fact Sheet - Sustain­abil­ity and EU Environmental Goals
CDM Smith's activities are exemplary in many respects in terms of sustainability. With our projects, we help to ensure that the environment, economy and society maintain their essential functions and that their condition is safeguarded, restored and improved. Read more about our sustainable project solutions in the fact sheet below.
CDM Smith Cares
CDM Smith Cares is a volunteer program supporting regional and national projects as well as nonprofit organizations with donations of money and goods.
ICPMA Sustain­abil­ity Award for Gridbooster Kupferzell
The ICPMA Awards are prestigious awards honoring excellence and innovation in project management. We received the Sustain­abil­ity Award for outstanding contri­bu­tion to the Gridbooster Kupferzell project. The battery storage facility is a pilot project for ensuring a stable and efficient energy supply.
Learn more
Land recycling award of the state of Baden-Wuert­tem­berg
The jury praised the smart solution for the challenging decontamination of former factory premises and filled river arms, as well as for water and flood protection. CDM Smith analyzed the construction site, and planned and supervised the entire deconstruction and soil remediation measures.
Learn more