Compliance & Ethics

CDM Smith Integrity / Supply Chain / Whistleblower Line
Contact this independent office with ethical questions and information on risks and violations.
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Compliance & Ethics
CDM Smith is founded on an un­wa­ver­ing com­mit­ment to in­tegrity and ex­cel­lence.

Since the firm’s founding in 1947, we have upheld a policy to conduct all business in a lawful and ethical man­ner. We are com­mit­ted to an en­vi­ron­ment where open, hon­est com­mu­ni­ca­tions are the ex­pec­ta­tion, not the ex­cep­tion. We hold one an­other ac­count­able to live our core val­ues of ex­cel­lence, ini­tia­tive, team­work, shared com­mit­ment and in­tegrity every day.

Our Code of Business Conduct sets forth the guid­ing prin­ci­ples for con­duct­ing busi­ness with the high­est eth­i­cal stan­dards. Every CDM Smith em­ployee and all our busi­ness part­ners have a shared com­mit­ment to meet these stan­dards and con­duct busi­ness with in­tegrity. 

The Supplier Code of Conduct describes our principles and expectations of our suppliers and business partners with regard to the implementation of minimum social standards and the observance of human rights as well as the relevant environmental and compliance regulations.

Our whistleblower and complaints system

Are you aware of grievances or legal violations in a company or at a site of the CDM Smith Group or do you just have a suspicion? Then please contact the CDM Smith Integrity Line. This will protect and support us all.

You can report misconduct by employees of our group of companies as well as our suppliers, business partners or service providers with regard to possible risks, legal violations or actions that are damaging to the company. These may include cases of corruption, bribery, fraud, other criminal acts, child labour, slavery, lack of occupational safety, exploitation or discrimination.

We firmly believe that respect for human rights and the environment is essential in all areas of our business activities. Our whistleblower system gives you, as affected parties, employees, business partners, suppliers or other third parties worldwide, the opportunity to inform us about human rights risks and specific human rights violations in our business area, the business areas of our subsidiaries and along our supply chains.

Whistleblowers do not suffer any disadvantage as a result of reporting. Reports can be submitted in German and English.

Code of Business Conduct
The ethical principles for conducting our business.
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Supplier Code of Conduct
Principles and expectations of our business partners.
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Compliance Officer for Europe

Headshot Michael Derix
Michael Derix is responsible for the implementation of our compliance guidelines and provides information on how to deal with this topic in everyday life. He is not subject to any instructions when carrying out his work and has an unlimited right to information and inspection.
Michael Derix