Engineering Designs for U.S. Air Force in Poland

Engineering Designs for U.S. Air Force in Poland
18 July 2024
Wroclaw Poland
The United States Corps of Engineers (USACE) Europe District is contracting CDM Smith Federal Services Europe Joint Venture to provide planning and design support for construction projects at Wroclaw Airport in Poland under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) to support the United States Air Force based there.
group of people walking through gras field Site visit

The EDCA between the United States of America and the Republic of Poland was signed in Warsaw on August 15, 2020, and defines the needs of US defense missions and the necessary facilities and infra­struc­ture at Wroclaw Airport. CDM Smith is preparing a project brief including concept design for the expansion of a railhead and railway line extension at Wroclaw Airport.

This project includes a railroad track extension and the construc­tion of a railhead with locomotive depot, end and side loading ramps, staging and laydown area, hardstand, and service lane. CDM Smith designs fire prevention and detection systems as well as energy monitoring and control systems. Supporting facilities include utility connections, security lighting, area lightning protection, paving, car parks, walkways, stormwater drainage, site clearing and grading, fencing, landscaping and signage. The project takes into account best practices for envi­ron­men­tally friendly development, sustain­abil­ity and energy efficiency and also integrates cyber security measures.

We are proud to provide our services in such a meaningful project
Guido Ebert, Business Developement Manager

CDM Smith is a privately owned engineering and construc­tion firm providing legendary client service and smart solutions in water, environment, trans­porta­tion, energy, and facilities. Passionate about our work and invested in each other, we are inspired to think and driven to solve the world’s envi­ron­men­tal and infra­struc­ture challenges.