Exemplary for the Industry

Exemplary for the Industry
Safety first – for our employees and the environment. Our clients expect it, we demand it and our employees live it. CDM Smith's health and safety (H&S) programme is based on the principles that people are our greatest asset and the envi­ron­men­tal means of livelihood are irre­place­able. Accidents and injuries are preventable, safety can be prearranged. As passionate engineers and envi­ron­men­tal consultants we are convinced that everyone is responsible for safety and an environment.

Elements of our successful and certified H&S and envi­ron­men­tal management programmes include:

  • Leadership of the Corporate H&S Officer, unit presidents and network of H&S/E managers in every business unit
  • Compre­hen­sive H&S training
  • Accurate reporting, analysis, and inves­ti­ga­tions
  • Medical surveil­lance programme overseen by a board-certified occu­pa­tional physician
  • Project risk assessments and consid­er­a­tion of envi­ron­men­tal impact, project-related health and safety plans

Thanks to its consistent application and ongoing corrective and improvement measures, our health and safety programme is very successful. The accident rate at CDM Smith is well below the industry average.

Due to our certified commitment to envi­ron­men­tal respon­si­bil­ity we are aware of our ecological impact and eager to reduce it every day. Our safety and envi­ron­men­tal management systems were certified in November 2018. We are proud of our fully certified integrated management system.

Our rule at CDM Smith: "Work safely! Otherwise don't work."
Andreas Roth COO Europe
Achilles First Point Assessment Limited (FPAL) registered
CDM Smith SE Germany Certificate ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 
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CDM Smith Poland Certificate ISO 9001: 2015
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CDM Smith SE Germany Certificate Safety Culture Ladder (SCL)                         
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CDM Smith Poland Certificate ISO 14001: 2015      
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