Leaving a Lasting Legacy at Serengeti National Park

Leaving a Lasting Legacy at Serengeti National Park
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The Serengeti National Park is one of the most famous parks in the world and is synonymous with wildlife and classic African scenery. In the park’s vast plains, CDM Smith is planting our legacy by providing critical infrastructure improvements within the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Districts to maintain the majesty of the park for years to come while providing a better quality of life to the local communities and protecting natural habitats.

Together with Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) and with financial support of the KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau), CDM Smith is planning and will supervise the construction of infrastructure measures.

Our contract consisted of four different focus areas. The first element was to strengthen sustainable management of natural resources, which meant institutional strengthening and capacity building within TANAPA. Secondly, we improved access to markets and services by repairing existing infrastructure. Other outputs to be completed are improved social and economic rural infrastructure including constructing small dams, water retaining structures and buildings for education and health sectors. The final piece will improve the protected area management and infrastructure as designing and supervising the construction of a new visitor center and remove old buildings.

Additionally, we worked under the Serengeti Ecosystem Development and Conservation Project to implement several infrastructure measures in Tanzania. Our team is providing consulting services during the various stages from planning, design, tender documentation, procurement and construction supervision. This also included building a network of key stakeholders to sustainably maintain and operate the infrastructure with support from TANAPA and KfW after the work is completed.

It´s been a fantastic opportunity for the team to be part of something greater. We’ve been able to enhance their daily lives of the families in the area signif­i­cantly while conserving globally important ecosystems.
Eric Kalmbach, Divison Manager
Eric Kalmbach Eric Kalmbach
This project has been much anticipated by the local communities in Serengeti.