The ESG Trans­parency Award 2024 goes to... CDM Smith!

The ESG Trans­parency Award 2024 goes to... CDM Smith!
19 December 2024
CDM Smith Steigen­berger Grand Hotel Petersberg, Germany
We are deeply honoured that our sustain­abil­ity efforts have once again been recognised. The ESG Trans­parency Award honours organ­i­sa­tions throughout Europe that have anchored forward-looking sustain­abil­ity concepts in their company and communicate these trans­par­ently through a sustain­abil­ity report.

Following last year's ICPMA Sustain­abil­ity Award, the next honour came in this winter - the ESG Trans­parency Award. In the historic setting of the Steigen­berger Icon Grandhotel & Spa, the EUPD Group presented the ESG Trans­parency Award for the second time as part of European Sustain­abil­ity Week on December 11. Based on 25 years of research and analysis in the sustain­abil­ity sector, EUPD Research developed a quality model for evaluating ESG reports. The overall score is divided into three categories: Development level (0 - 49 %), Predicate level (50 - 74 %) and Excellence level (75 - 100 %). On top of it, the best organ­i­sa­tions are awarded the winning status of ‘Leading Companies’. With an overall score of 95 %, CDM Smith not only achieved the excellence level, but was also invited to the award ceremony as a ‘Leading Company’ - a great honour and motivation for us.

It is over­whelm­ing to be recognised as one of Europe's leading companies with regard to sustain­abil­ity. This motivates us to further expand our social and ecological efforts.
Hartmut Schmid, Head of Sustain­abil­ity Europe

About CDM Smith

CDM Smith is a privately owned engineering and construc­tion firm providing legendary client service and smart solutions in water, environment, trans­porta­tion, energy, and facilities. Passionate about our work and invested in each other, we are inspired to think and driven to solve the world’s envi­ron­men­tal and infra­struc­ture challenges.

ESG Transparency Award 2024 für CDM Smith

ESG Trans­parency Award
CDM Smith wins ESG Trans­parency Award 2024!
view award Acces­si­bil­ity.Open_Link_In­_New_Win­dow_­Text