Improving the Turkish Water Infra­struc­ture

Improving the Turkish Water Infra­struc­ture
Ministry of Environment and Urban Development Central Anatolia and the Black Sea region, Turkey
Seven master plans and seven feasibility studies for the water supply and wastewater system in seven Turkish munic­i­pal­i­ties form only part of a joint development project that CDM Smith has taken on. Bringing all of the stake­hold­ers around the table was a major challenge.

Improving the water management cycle is one of several targets in the operative envi­ron­men­tal programme promoting regional development in Turkey. The European Union has provided the funds from the EU Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance for the programme. The fund supports economic and social development in potential EU membership candidates while raising infra­struc­ture quality to the EU standards in the respective country.

tenders (FIDIC Red & Yellow Books and Supervision & Supply Contracts - PRAG)

The programme includes optimising the water supply and wastewater system in seven Turkish munic­i­pal­i­ties in Central Anatolia and the Black Sea region. We began our part in the 5-year project by developing seven masterplans as a basis for seven feasibility studies, taking envi­ron­men­tal, legal and socioe­co­nomic factors alongside technical and financial aspects into account. From there, we drew up the corre­spond­ing EU funding appli­ca­tions and concept planning for water supply and wastewater networks as well as wastewater treatment plants.

As pioneers in integrated water projects, we provide support for the entire project cycle from master plans to site supervision and supply contract review.
Eric Kalmbach, Delivery Leader

The seven masterplans are currently in the imple­men­ta­tion phase. We are responsible for water and wastewater system construc­tion tenders encom­pass­ing reservoirs, pumping stations, networks and wastewater treatment plants. We are also in charge of tenders for supply contracts for procuring the water suppliers’ tools and equipment. Our activities are based on the Yellow & Red Book developed by FIDIC, the Inter­na­tional Federation of Consulting Engineers, as stan­dard­ised model contracts for inter­na­tional construc­tion projects.

The munic­i­pal­i­ties involved are not located next to one another but scattered throughout the north and centre of the country, which poses a particular challenge. Around 1 million people will be benefitting from the improved water situation in the future.

Eric Kalmbach
We can only remain successful in the long run through a well-established team.

Did you know?

The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) is a financial instrument of the European Union aimed at driving reform in potential accession candidates; Turkey will receive €4.5 billion in the period from 2014 to 2020. The funding focuses mainly on estab­lish­ing insti­tu­tions and democ­ra­ti­sa­tion, socioe­co­nomic and regional development, strength­en­ing human capital and combating discrim­i­na­tion, and rural development.

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