SuedOstLink: A future project for sustainable energy supply

SuedOstLink: A future project for sustainable energy supply
SuedOstLink Germany
The SuedOstLink is one of the most important projects regarding energy transition in Germany. CDM Smith is committed to a seamless realisation and can put this commitment into practice as part of the SuedOstLink project, realised by the trans­mis­sion system operators 50Hertz and TenneT.

Germany has set itself ambitious goals for the expansion of renewable energies by 2045. With the increasing production of wind power in the north of the country, the challenge of distrib­ut­ing this electricity efficiently is becoming apparent. In order to support the energy transition and ensure national energy security, the German electricity grid is being expanded and improved constantly.

In this context, the trans­mis­sion system operators 50Hertz and TenneT work together to bring the SuedOstLink to life. It extends over a total length of around 780 kilometres from Klein Rogahn in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and from the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt to Isar in Bavaria and bundles the two grid expansion projects V5 and southern part of project V5a from the Federal Require­ments Plan Act (German: Bundes­be­darf­s­plange­setz), which are being constructed simul­ta­ne­ously in two parallel cable trenches. The envisioned 525 kV direct current underground cable systems aim to transport especially wind power from the production sites in the north to the consumption centres in the south of Germany, thereby contribut­ing to the security of energy supply.

CDM Smith is part of this project. In co-operation with partner companies, we are responsible for compre­hen­sive planning and approval services as well as construc­tion site management. Our area of respon­si­bil­ity ranges from imple­men­ta­tion planning and site management to construc­tion supervision in several sections of the SuedOstLink.

It is always fascinating to see how the right combination of highly skilled team members as well as mutual appre­ci­a­tion and respect create a great level of commitment that ultimately leads to success.
Jörg Schmitz, Senior Business Development Manager
Overall Performance
Construc­tion Area

In 2022, the CIB consortium (CDM Smith, INP Deutschland, Bernard Gruppe ZT), led by CDM Smith, was awarded the contract by 50Hertz for the planning and construc­tion site management of the approx­i­mately 94 kilometre long A2 section in Saxony-Anhalt.

In the following year, Tennet then commis­sioned the consortium ARGE BM SOL Süd (CDM Smith, INP Deutschland, Bernard Gruppe ZT, Zetcon Ingenieure), again with CDM Smith in the lead, with the overall construc­tion management, construc­tion supervision and construc­tion-related engineering services for the five line sections C1, C2, D1, D2 and D3 in Bavaria with a length of 270 kilometres.

This ambitious underground cable project not only harbours technical challenges, such as the Danube crossing in a horizontal drilling procedure, but also requires a high level of expertise in dealing and commu­ni­cat­ing with the residents along the course of the route.

We are proud to have been able to convince the client with our compre­hen­sive service portfolio and look forward to continuing our cooperation with 50Hertz, Tennet and our partners.

Uwe Roth
The opportunity to take over the construc­tion management of this major energy transition project is of great importance to us.
Uwe Roth Senior BD Manager