Realisation of Construction Projects: Environmental Construction Services

Realisation of Construction Projects: Environmental Construction Services
Simon Hettler Landscape Architect
The environment is our habitat, and protecting it is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Environmental construction services play a significant role in this effort, focusing on four key areas: immissions control, nature and species conservation, soil conservation, and water protection. These areas derive from the legal environmental assets defined under the Environmental Impact Assessment Act (EIA), which may be affected during the implementation of a project — particularly during the construction phase. Environmental construction services ensure compliance with environmental regulations, thereby preventing adverse impacts on the environment.

Key Areas of Environmental Construction Services

  • headphones Immissions Control
  • Immissions control plays a significant role within envi­ron­men­tal construc­tion services, focusing on both nature and public safety. Thus, it is closely aligned with occu­pa­tional health and safety. Our tasks include ensuring compliance with the Federal Immission Control Act (German: Bundes-Immis­sion­ss­chutzge­setz, BImSchG) to prevent distur­bances caused by emissions such as dust, noise, light, and vibrations affecting adjacent areas and their residents. This also includes monitoring and supervising vibration and noise measure­ments.

  • eco Nature and Species Conser­va­tion
  • A major component of envi­ron­men­tal construc­tion services is nature and species conser­va­tion. Serving as the central point of contact for nature conser­va­tion authorities, we handle tasks such as monitoring protection and mitigation measures, supervising land-use activities, enforcing construc­tion boundary compliance, safe­guard­ing protected species within the construc­tion site, and advising on timing regulations for construc­tion.
    • compost Soil Conser­va­tion
    • The profes­sional treatment of cultivable soils is a core task of soil conser­va­tion and therefore also an integral part of envi­ron­men­tal construc­tion services with DIN standard 19639 (from 2019) as our fundamental basis. In this field, we develop soil protection concepts in consul­ta­tion with soil protection authorities and work with our many certified soil specialists during the construc­tion phase. We oversee the profes­sional removal of cultivable soil, ensure subsoil protection, monitor soil stockpiling, and secure proper recul­ti­va­tion.

    • water_drop Water Protection
    • The Federal Water Act forms the basis of water protection and the preser­va­tion of watersides’ function, including ground water protection. Our role is to ensure the imple­men­ta­tion of water management measures and compliance with permit conditions in collab­o­ra­tion with the relevant water authorities.

    Simon Hettler
    In Environmental Construction Services, new challenges arise constantly and make it a field of great variety.
    Related Capa­bil­i­ties
    Ideally, envi­ron­men­tal construc­tion services are integrated during the preparation of execution planning and tender documents for a project. This allows for the incor­po­ra­tion of regulatory require­ments into tender spec­i­fi­ca­tions, contribut­ing signif­i­cantly to cost and schedule reliability.
    Simon Hettler, Expert for Environmental Construction Services

    Our Services at a Glance

    We provide compre­hen­sive solutions in envi­ron­men­tal construc­tion services, including:

    • gavel Legal Compliance: ensuring project imple­men­ta­tion adheres to all legal and regulatory require­ments through expert consul­ta­tion and support.
    • eco Envi­ron­men­tal Protection: preventing envi­ron­men­tal and liability damage under the Envi­ron­men­tal Damage Act and related legislation, while minimising impacts on nature and landscapes.
    • euro Cost Efficiency: avoiding envi­ron­men­tal regulation-related additional costs and delays.
    • schedule Schedule Reliability: preventing construc­tion disruptions by providing timely advice on deadlines, require­ments, and necessary measures.
    • inventory Docu­men­ta­tion: supporting all stages of construc­tion with evidence collection and docu­men­ta­tion, from preparation to completion.

    Our envi­ron­men­tal construc­tion services ensure seamless support throughout the construc­tion process, from the development and planning of envi­ron­men­tal measures to the envi­ron­men­tal and legal consulting of all project stake­hold­ers, as well as documenting compliance with all envi­ron­men­tal require­ments during construc­tion.

    Depending on the project and client needs, this can be expanded to include heritage conser­va­tion services and proactive commu­ni­ca­tion with asso­ci­a­tions, property owners, and relevant third parties to ensure smooth project execution.

    Soil Specialist Certification

    Our certified soil specialists meet the requirements outlined in Appendix C of DIN 19639.

    Environmental Construction Certification

    Our experts’ qualifications align with the EBA Guideline, Part VII (Environmental Construction Supervision), and are based on AHO Booklet No. 27 for environmental construction services.

    Aerial View Stuttgart 21 Neckar Bridge
    Railway Project Stuttgart 21
    We are supporting one of the most comprehensive railway projects in Europe with extensive environmental construction monitoring services in accordance with the EBA Guideline, Part VII.
    Find out more details about the project.
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