Intelligent Project Delivery Through BIM Technologies

Intelligent Project Delivery Through BIM Technologies
Ilja Prinz BIM Manager Europe
What happens when digital tech­nolo­gies merge with construc­tion projects? A whole new level of efficiency, precision, and collab­o­ra­tion! At CDM Smith, we leverage Building Information Modeling (BIM) to create intelligent digital models that optimize the entire construc­tion process – from planning to execution. Discover how BIM can make your projects faster, more transparent, and more sustainable.

What is BIM?

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a compre­hen­sive approach through digital planning, execution, and management of construc­tion projects, enabling seamless integration across all stages. By capturing and modelling all geometric and alphanu­meric data in a BIM model, which is used to coordinate the design process, BIM enables better collab­o­ra­tion among all stake­hold­ers involved in the construc­tion process, as well as greater trans­parency and avail­abil­ity of information for decision making.

The model contains not only geometric data, but also semantic information, such as time and cost-related information, which enables the integration and use of all related data throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial project.

Components of BIM

Headshot Ilja Prinz
BIM helps our customers to save money and time, because it helps them understand how design changes affect other aspects of the project by visualizing and presenting interrelationships.

Our Expertise

With our expertise in BIM Management, Coor­di­na­tion, Modelling and Simulation, we are at the forefront of innovation and are able to deliver compre­hen­sive and efficient solutions for complex industrial projects. Find out how our specialist services ensure seamless collab­o­ra­tion, accurate modelling and advanced simulations to enhance project success.

BIM Management

At the heart of every successful industrial project is effective BIM Management. Our team excels at developing compre­hen­sive strategies that bring together all project stake­hold­ers, ensuring a smooth collab­o­ra­tion throughout the project life cycle. Key elements of our BIM management expertise include:

  • Collab­o­ra­tive Workflow Development: We design and implement workflows that ensure all stake­hold­ers – from architects and engineers to contractors and clients – are aligned and able to contribute to the BIM model efficiently. This ensures that all disciplines are coordinated, with respon­si­bil­i­ties clearly defined.
  • Commu­ni­ca­tion and Information Flow: We serve as the central point of contact, ensuring a smooth flow of information between all project partic­i­pants. This is crucial for maintaining up-to-date models and ensuring that all decisions are informed by the latest data.
  • Standards Compliance: We ensure that all modelling follows national and inter­na­tional BIM standards, such as ISO 19650, to ensure consistency, quality, and compat­i­bil­ity across all project phases.
  • Risk Management and Quality Assurance: By monitoring the BIM process, we proactively identify potential risks and ensure that the quality of the model meets the highest standards. This leads to reduced errors, higher efficiency, and a more predictable project outcome.

BIM Modeling

Our team is proficient in creating detailed, data-rich BIM models that not only represent the geometry of a building, but also integrate key information related to materials, systems, and performance:

  • Detailed 3D Models: We create highly accurate models for archi­tec­ture, structural components, MEP systems and more, ensuring that all building elements are correctly represented.
  • Information-Rich Models: Beyond geometry, we embed critical data such as materials, technical spec­i­fi­ca­tions, and maintenance require­ments directly into the model. This ensures that the BIM model serves as a reliable source of information throughout the project lifecycle.
  • Custom Modeling: For specialised industrial projects, we develop custom models that address unique project require­ments, including specialised equipment and systems often found in industrial facilities.
  • Model Collab­o­ra­tion and Sharing: Using cloud-based platforms such as Autodesk BIM 360, we enable real-time collab­o­ra­tion where all stake­hold­ers can access and contribute to the model simul­ta­ne­ously. This improves trans­parency and accelerates decision-making.

BIM Coor­di­na­tion

Effective coor­di­na­tion is key to the success of complex industrial projects. Our BIM Coor­di­na­tion services ensure that all models from different disciplines work together seamlessly:

  • Clash Detection: We conduct automated clash detection between different trades (e.g., structural, mechanical, electrical) to identify and resolve conflicts before construc­tion begins. This prevents costly delays and rework on-site.
  • Model Auditing and Consistency Checking: We perform regular model checks to ensure consistency and alignment between disciplines. This guarantees that the designs of different teams are harmonised, reducing the risk of errors during execution.
  • Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary Coor­di­na­tion: Our coor­di­na­tors facilitate commu­ni­ca­tion between design teams, ensuring that all changes to the model are tracked, commu­ni­cated, and implemented without discrep­an­cies.
4D Construc­tion Sequencing and 5D Cost Integration: As part of our BIM Coor­di­na­tion, we incorporate 4D scheduling and 5D cost analysis into the model. This helps stake­hold­ers visualise how the project will evolve over time, and ensures that cost estimations are accurate and aligned with the project timeline.

Simulation Creation

We also specialise in advanced simulation creation that enhances planning accuracy and project predictabil­ity:

  • 4D Simulation (Time-based): We use 4D simulations to link the BIM model with the project schedule, allowing clients to visualise the construc­tion process over time. This helps identify potential bottlenecks and optimise the construc­tion sequence for maximum efficiency.
  • 5D Simulation (Cost-based): Our 5D simulations integrate real-time cost data with the BIM model, allowing for accurate cost forecasting and management. This enables project managers to monitor costs in relation to progress, ensuring that the project stays on budget.
  • Energy and Sustain­abil­ity Simulations (6D): We incorporate sustain­abil­ity assessments into our models, allowing for 6D simulations that evaluate energy performance, carbon footprints, and envi­ron­men­tal impact. This is crucial for optimising the long-term efficiency and sustain­abil­ity of industrial facilities.
BIM for Fish Pass in the Netherlands

For a fish pass in Doesburg, Netherlands, we developed a BIM model to evaluate whether sufficient flow velocities are ensured in the basins under all operating water levels.

Project: Grid Booster in Kupferzell, Germany

We are responsible for the overall BIM coordination and modeling for the construction of the largest grid battery storage currently being built in Kupferzell in Germany. Find more details about the project here


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