CDM Smith at WEFTEC 2024

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CDM Smith at WEFTEC 2024
August 9, 2024
Don't miss our experts' presen­ta­tions at the 2024 WEFTEC conference.


8:00 - W13 Under­stand­ing and Applying Disin­fec­tion Funda­men­tals (Off-site) presented by Brian Hilts

4:00 - From Advocacy to Action (Off-site) presented by Taielorae Levell-Young


1:30 – Navigating Nutrient Dynamics: Modeling for Water Quality Excellence presented by Eileen Althouse and Kimi Artita

1:30 - Real Life PFAS Issues: WRRF to Watershed to Biosolids presented by Samir Mathur

1:30 - Innovative Approaches to Address Traditional Operational Challenges moderated by Bill McConnell

1:30 - Green Infra­struc­ture Approaches - A National Perspective presented by Ginny Roach 

1:30 - Leveraging Digital Tech­nolo­gies to Make Better Decisions presented by Josh Soper and Rina Dalal

1:30 - THP: Downstream Process and Maintenance Challenges presented by Richard Tsang

1:30 - Effective Strategies for Managing Organics in IPR/DPR Systems presented by Greg Wetterau and Anthony Zamarro

3:30 – Optimizing Design for Increased Capacity presented by Alex Doody

3:30 - Evaluating DPR for Small Communities: What Can Others Learn from the Village of Cloudcroft, NM? presented by Greta Zornes and Anthony Zamarro


8:30 – Data to Decisions: Leveraging Machine Learning, Advanced Remote Sensing, and Automation to Develop Envi­ron­men­tal Solutions presented by Amy Kopale (Sky Wave)

8:30 - Driving the Circular Water Economy by Reusing Industrial and Municipal Effluents presented by John Sheets, Greta Zornes, & Erin Stachler

8:30 - Tools for Urban Flood Management and Forecasting presented by Victoria Wanjohi 

12:30 - Technology Spotlight: Enhanced Primary Treatment - Beyond Conven­tional Settling presented by Ajay Shrivastav and Bill McConnell (moderator)

1:30 - Climate-Proofing Our Cities: Trans­for­ma­tive Solutions presented by Rina Dalal 

1:30 - Treatment Challenges and Reuse within the Semi­con­duc­tor Industry presented by Audrey Karl

1:30 - How Could EPA's 2023 Review of Recre­ational Water Quality Affect WRRFs? presented by Rasha Maal-Bared

1:30 - PFAS in Wastewater: What Should Utilities Do Next? presented by Eric Spargimino, Samir Mathur, & Charles Schaefer

3:30 - Optimizing Membrane Efficiency for Water Reuse and Disin­fec­tion presented by Rasha Maal-Bared and Ajay Shrivastav

3:30 - Modeling for Inland Flood Resilience moderated by Ginny Roach


8:30 Peracids Challenge Traditional Disin­fec­tants presented by Brian Hilts

8:30 - Resilient Development: Insights from Urban and Coastal Areas presented by Mike Schmidt, John Goldman, & Tom Nye

10:30 - How Can 3D Scanning and Virtual Reality be Leveraged for Water Utilities presented by Scott Aldridge (Sky Wave)

10:30 - Using Side-Stream Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal to Improve EBPR Performance presented by Brian Lubenow, Nigel Beaton & Alex Doody

10:30 -Accom­mo­dat­ing Industrial Effluents in Municipal Treatment Facilities presented by Rasha Maal-Bared

10:30 - Three Different Flavors of Improvement for Preliminary/Primary Treatment presented by Dan Thompson & Amy Robinson

1:30 - Evaluating Plantwide Impacts of AGS and DAS presented by Brian Hilts, Rasha Maal-Bared, & Baris Kaymak

1:30 - Non-PFAS Up and Coming Concerns presented by Rasha Maal-Bared

1:30 - Innovations in Phosphorus Management: From Models to Solutions presented by Ajay Shrivastav

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