Sky Wave: Transforming Data to Decisions Through Remote Sensing and Machine Learning

Sky Wave: Transforming Data to Decisions Through Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
By capturing digital data through drones and sensors and applying machine learning for rapid processing, Sky Wave provides site analysis that’s faster, safer, more robust and more accurate.
Sky Wave

Are you working on a project that is running into the following challenges?

  • Incomplete site knowledge
  • Time-consuming and expensive data collection
  • Over­whelm­ing data volume
  • Concerns over field worker safety
  • A need for data that traditional methods cannot address

Sky Wave will forever change the way envi­ron­men­tal sites are assessed and analyzed. By leveraging drones, machine learning and decades of envi­ron­men­tal science, CDM Smith has built a better solution to the age-old challenges and costs of site monitoring. With Sky Wave, you’ll gather vast quantities of data through patent-pending methods that enhance efficiency and accuracy. Rapid, accurate, AI-driven analysis will track envi­ron­men­tal and surface changes. In other words, your site knowledge will go from analog to digital. 
From coastal resilience and biodi­ver­sity monitoring to carbon capture and infra­struc­ture development—there isn’t an envi­ron­men­tal site that Sky Wave can’t handle. Through a seamless digital data pipeline, you’ll be able to avoid safety hazards and reduce boots-on-the-ground work hours. Sky Wave slashes your costs and boosts your resources. With robust and defensible data, you’ll gain satisfied regulators, delighted stake­hold­ers and awed grant funders. By spending less on field data collection teams, you’ll have more money to put into the project itself. And with better and stronger analysis, you’ll be enroute to meeting and beating your envi­ron­men­tal and compliance targets.

Brendan Brown
Talk to an expert
Want to learn more about Sky Wave, or need assistance tackling your latest environmental challenge? Reach out to environmental scientist Brendan Brown and the Sky Wave team for help.
Brendan Brown
Nature-Based Solutions Discipline Leader
talk to brendan
Watch Brendan explain how he's saved time and resources with a holistic envi­ron­men­tal solution. 
Watch Drew explain how artificial intel­li­gence trans­form­ed the way he analyzes environmental sites.

The Sky Wave team is using remote sensing and machine learning to help solve a wide array of envi­ron­men­tal and infra­struc­ture challenges.

  • Wetland mapping and monitoring
  • River and watershed morphology
  • Green infra­struc­ture
  • Wind & solar facility siting
  • Water quality monitoring
  • TMDL discharge studies
  • Ecological studies
  • Construc­tion progress
  • Disaster and flooding response
  • Impervious area assessment
  • Dam, levee and pipeline condition assessment
  • Climate resilience 

At the federal, state and county level, our team is helping orga­ni­za­tions to understand and track your project’s progress in granular detail. That means more certainty, less risk, and less cost over time. More so than the technology we use in the field or the software we use in the cloud, what makes Sky Wave unique is the way it helps you transform data into decisions. 

Drone in flight
Learn more about Sky Wave
For more on Sky Wave's capabilities and where it's being used to map invasive species and provide restoration monitoring, download our fact sheet.