Career Development  for All St(ages)

Career Development  for All St(ages)
Whether you are a recent graduate ready to embark on your career journey, or an experienced profes­sional looking for a new challenge, we invest in you to help you become the best at what you do. Grow with us and make a difference in the areas that matter to you. Never stop learning. Earn your credentials. Feel supported.
Careers brassring link
Join us and let's move forward together.

Recent Grads and Young Profes­sion­als

Are you ready to be a part of something bigger? The opportunity to drive change and deliver cutting-edge solutions has never been greater and we have many exciting opportunities available for innovative, new graduates. You can challenge the status quo and bring a diverse perspective to our clients that will make a positive impact on the places where we work and live. You can join our LiFT (Leading Innovation for Tomrrow) community designed for young professional to develop their social, professional and civic skills. YOU can drive the future success of our company and together WE can make a difference. Your future starts here.

recent grads

Career Compass Mentorship Program

The Career Compass mentoring program strives to capitalize on the benefits of both informal and formal mentoring rela­tion­ships. When you join CDM Smith, you have the choice to be paired with someone who will guide you through your early chapters and provide you with oppor­tu­ni­ties to work on amazing projects and help navigate your career oppor­tu­ni­ties. Our mentoring program is designed to support our mentors and mentees with the resources necessary for successful mentoring while allowing for the natural, spontaneous rela­tion­ship development so important for building the trust needed for effective mentoring.

Leadership Academy

CDM Smith's leadership culture is fueled by employees at all levels throughout the orga­ni­za­tion demon­strat­ing leadership in their words and actions, and by our passion for continuous learning and development. CDM Smith has launched an industry-leading internal Leadership Academy with development tracks for every member of the firm, as well as specialty programs for people leaders and succession prep. We view leadership as a set of behaviors and practices learned over a lifetime, it's a skillset cultivated and applied in different ways throughout the unique chapters of your life. 

Leadership Academy Logo

CDM Smith University

CDM Smith University leads the firm in expanding a learning orga­ni­za­tion that encourages a culture of learning, grounded in collab­o­ra­tion and exceptional client service. Using best in class practices, technology and tools, CDM Smith U infuses learning into the daily activities that drive our strategic plans and provide continuous improvement enterprise wide. 

Profes­sional Licensing

No matter how you envision your career journey, we are committed to investing in you and your continuing profes­sional education. We provide continuing education oppor­tu­ni­ties to maintain profes­sional licenses and regis­tra­tions like your PE. We are a family of profes­sion­als improving the environment and infra­struc­ture in a place that is committed to our clients and offering an unmatched employee experience. 
CDM Smith University Logo

Project Management Certi­fi­ca­tions

The foundation of a legendary client experience is outstanding project delivery, which requires exceptional project managers. CDM Smith is committed to investing in the development of our current and future project managers in order to ensure client satisfaction while nurturing careers. This investment includes developing project management programs and tools that provide real time data to our project managers and leaders, and a robust learning and development program that reinforces the Project Management Institute's (PMI) approach and terminology to project delivery. All CDM Smith project managers will also be certified in their respective industry. 

Interested in building your career in project management?
Explore life as a project manager Opens in new window.

Alumni Program

Once you join CDM Smith, you are always a part of our family. Through our Alumni Program on LinkedIn, you can stay up-to-date on the exciting things happening at CDM Smith. Part of this program includes advertising various job opportunities and our hope is that as an alumnus, you will share these and your positive career experiences here with your network. Or maybe you even consider coming back! This program is a great opportunity to stay connected with CDM Smith–we hope you stay in touch!

Want to be a part of the CDM Smith community and build your career with impact?
Career Opportunities
When you are ready to reenter to workforce, we are here to welcome you back!
Reboot Program