CDM Smith at WEFTEC 2023

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CDM Smith at WEFTEC 2023
August 8, 2023
Don't miss our experts' presen­ta­tions at the 2023 WEFTEC conference.

Sunday, October 1st

8:30 - Climate Change Workshop: The Coming Storms - Applying Resilience and Imple­ment­ing Practical Appli­ca­tions in a Changing Climate presented by Mike Schmidt

Monday, October 2nd

12:45 - Sky Wave: Trans­form­ing Data into Decisions: Leveraging Remote Sensing and Machine Learning presented by Drew Reicks and Amy Kopale

1:30 - Primary Treatment Tech­nolo­gies: Should we Settle for Conven­tional Primary Sedi­men­ta­tion? presented by William McConnell 

2:00 - Sky Wave: Benefits of Drones in the Water Sector presented by Scott Aldridge 

2:30 - Stormy Awards Session presented by Virginia Roach 

3:00 - Sky Wave: Drones, Digital Data Collection, Automation, and Machine Learning presented by Drew Reicks

3:30 - Advance­ments and Opti­miza­tion with Chlorine, Peracetic Acid, and Performic Acid Disin­fec­tion presented by Brian Hilts 

3:30 - Creative Stormwater Program Management Resources: Finance, O&M, and Asset Management presented by Jessica Stanton

3:30Development of An Approved Hartford Integrated Plan: A Delicate Balance of Separation, Tunnel Storage, and Watershed Management presented by Joseph Laliberte 

Tuesday, October 3rd

10:30 - Technology Spotlight: Sewer Rehab Funda­men­tals (Mobile) presented by Jonathan Kunay 

1:30 - Making Forever Chemicals Gone Forever presented by Charles Schaefer 

1:30 - Behavior of Emerging Cont­a­m­i­nants in Thermal Treatment Processes presented by Richard Tsang 

1:30 - Advancing Low-energy Biological Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal Through Low DO Operation presented by Varun Srinivasan

3:30 - Better Settling Through Design Opti­miza­tion: A CFD Case Study; Village Creek CFD Modeling presented by Nigel Beaton 

3:30 - Ten years of Risk Mangement and Lessons Learned on the Clean Water Nashville Program presented by Michael Krabacher

3:30 - Better Outcomes with CSO Admin­is­tra­tive Orders and Consent Degrees presented by Joseph Laliberte 

3:30 - Design Tools for Preliminary and Primary Treatment presented by William McConnell 

3:30 - Predicting Flooding Before it Happens presented by Virginia Roach

4:00 - Sky Wave: Learning Exchange Panel Discussion with Drone Pavillion Exhibitors presented by Amy Kopale, Drew Reicks, & Karen Kelly

Wednesday, October 4th

8:30 - Design and Construc­tion Challenges for CSO Control Imple­men­ta­tion presented by Jonathan Kunay

8:30 - Intes­ti­fy­ing and Optimizing Anaerobic Design presented by Carolyn Christy

8:30 - Re-direct Carbon for Better Use presented by William McConnell 

10:30 - Water Reuse: Plan it Properly presented by Dan Rodrigo 

11:30 - Sky Wave: A Look at the Future of Drone Technology presented by Scott Aldridge

1:30 - Applying Hydro­cy­clones for Densi­fi­ca­tion presented by Alexandra Doody

1:30 - Advances in Preven­ta­tive Maintenance presented by Josh Gelman 

1:30 - Collection System Predictive Analysis presented by Doug Youngblood 


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