What do you need to know about road usage charging?

What do you need to know about road usage charging?

Governments and automakers are racing to address climate concerns and meet evolving consumer demands for cleaner and more fuel-efficient vehicles. But, it’s a blow to the gas tax’s viability. To address this looming fiscal challenge, Road usage charging (RUC) has emerged as a powerful policy tool to implement user fees based on distance driven on the road network. RUC programs are gaining popularity as a means of paying for America’s surface trans­porta­tion system. 

At CDM Smith, we combine decades of experience in policy development, pilot testing and public outreach to bring about a more equitable, sustainable road funding system for the future. See how our experts are moving the industry forward.

Travis Dunn
I'm passionate about changing how we pay for transportation, specifically roads.
What happens when the gas tax dies?

How do we find the revenue to keep our roads from crumbling? Travis Dunn break down the shift to RUC and what both drivers and policy makers can expect.

What's wrong with the Tesla model of EV infrastructure?

How will we develop the infra­struc­ture needed for the day when we’re all charging up instead of gassing up? Jeff Doyle explains the oppor­tu­ni­ties and challenges to achieving transportation elec­tri­fi­ca­tion.

Jim Whitty RUC
Is RUC the key to paying for roads without the gas tax?
Jim Whitty, trans­porta­tion policy pioneer, has paved the way for agencies to implement road usage charging. Join Jim as he breaks down the concept, clarifies the most common miscon­cep­tions and looks to the road ahead.

Get to know our team

Ging Ging Fernandez
Ging Ging Fernandez
Ging Ging deeply understands the require­ments of operational systems for a broad range of RUC-supporting tech­nolo­gies. Her knowledge stems from firsthand experience with the nation’s largest RUC pilot in Hawaii.
Meet Ging Ging
Ging Ging Fernandez
Ging Ging Fernandez
Ging Ging deeply understands the require­ments of operational systems for a broad range of RUC-supporting tech­nolo­gies. Her knowledge stems from firsthand experience with the nation’s largest RUC pilot in Hawaii.
Meet Ging Ging
Jim Whitty
Jim Whitty
Jim is recognized globally for his road pricing innovation and expertise. His unmatched knowledge in the pay-per-mile methodology has even given way to his nickname at the firm, “The Godfather of RUC.”
Meet Jim
Jim Whitty
Jim Whitty
Jim is recognized globally for his road pricing innovation and expertise. His unmatched knowledge in the pay-per-mile methodology has even given way to his nickname at the firm, “The Godfather of RUC.”
Meet Jim
Justine Sydello
Justine Sydello
Justine has dedicated her career to improving people’s lives through the development and imple­men­ta­tion of effective public policies using her expertise in trans­porta­tion planning, program management, and commu­ni­ca­tions.
Meet Justine
Justine Sydello
Justine Sydello
Justine has dedicated her career to improving people’s lives through the development and imple­men­ta­tion of effective public policies using her expertise in trans­porta­tion planning, program management, and commu­ni­ca­tions.
Meet Justine
Ben Ritchey
Ben Ritchey
Ben is inspired by “the advancement we’re seeing in transportation technologies. The adoption and deployment of emerging technologies by public and private sectors will improve mobility, safety, and productivity,” he says.
Meet Ben
Ben Ritchey
Ben Ritchey
Ben is inspired by “the advancement we’re seeing in transportation technologies. The adoption and deployment of emerging technologies by public and private sectors will improve mobility, safety, and productivity,” he says.
Meet Ben