Understanding Road Usage Charging: Basics and Benefits

Understanding Road Usage Charging: Basics and Benefits

On-Demand Webinar Recorded September 2022
This presentation will cover the basics and benefits of road usage charging in laymen’s terms, helping the audience to understand what RUC is, why it’s important, what must be considered and studied as part of a RUC project, and what the broad benefits are.

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Although road usage charging (RUC) has gained traction in the industry as a viable alternative funding method for trans­porta­tion infra­struc­ture, many decision-makers, trans­porta­tion agencies and road users have not yet enjoyed an opportunity to learn the funda­men­tals. In fact, to date, only 13 states and regional pilots have received federal funding to explore alternative funding mechanisms, such as RUC. In addition, some states are uncertain whether RUC applies to them. This presen­ta­tion will cover the basics and benefits of road usage charging in laymen’s terms, helping the audience to understand what RUC is, why it’s important, what must be considered and studied as part of a RUC project, and what the broad benefits are.

Presented by Roshini DurandAndrew McLean, MPP, JD, and Jennifer Roberts, PE

Moderated by Ging Ging Fernandez, PMP

birds eye view of cars driving on a highway
Questions about RUC?
Contact one of our trans­porta­tion experts today by clicking the button below or emailing transportation@cdmsmith.com

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