Australasian Groundwater Conference’s Best Presentation for 2022

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Australasian Groundwater Conference’s Best Presentation for 2022
1 December 2022
CDM Smith Australia presented at the Australasian Groundwater Conference (AGC) in late November. It is one of the largest national groundwater conferences, conducted over three days with over 200 insightful discussions on everything groundwater. 

Three of CDM’s groundwater experts presented at the event; Dr Jon Fawcett, National Discipline Lead, Water, Dr Chris Li, Senior Groundwater Modeller, and Vincent Puech, Senior Groundwater Modeller. Pictured below. 

Chris Li’s presen­ta­tion on risk-orientated uncertainty analysis was awarded Best Oral Presen­ta­tion, voted for by conference attendees. Chris stated, “It was an honour to be awarded the Best Oral Presen­ta­tion at the Australasian Groundwater Conference 2022 and be recognised among peers. There are some great changes happening in groundwater modelling, and I look forward to seeing more innovative techniques.”

Jon gave two presen­ta­tions on Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDEs), high­light­ing the role of remote sensing in protecting ecosystems and the use of lidar datasets to map GDE vegetation. Vincent put forward an invitation to revise the Australian modelling guidelines.

Overall, the conference provided an exciting opportunity to see the trends and advances within the groundwater industry.

Jon Fawcett Vincent Puech Chris Li AGC 2022

Groundwater at CDM Smith

CDM Smith has a dedicated team of hydro­ge­ol­o­gists and groundwater modellers with many years of experience in consulting and research. This experience has given our team a strong reputation with regulators and within the industry.

The team’s focus on Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems and Groundwater Modelling allows CDM to understand these technical areas better and remain at the forefront of efforts in the industry. By continually building experience through water projects across Australia and inter­na­tion­ally, we are able to develop practical and innovative solutions for our clients.

About the Australasian Groundwater Conference

AGC 2022 was hosted by the International Association of Hydrogeologists at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Monday, 21 to Wednesday, 23 November 2022. The Conference brings together technical leaders, emerging scientists, and organ­i­sa­tions repre­sent­ing industry, consulting, government and academia. This year’s conference theme was Science, Resilience and Adaptation.