Asset and Mine Closure Services

Asset and Mine Closure

CDM Smith’s multidisciplinary closure team has extensive experience in closure planning. It generates well-considered strategies to reduce environmental, social and other risks and meet the agreed visions in planning for asset closure.

Proper planning and execution of reha­bil­i­ta­tion and closure plans, along with the development of closure cost estimates, is initiated in the earliest phases of the project life cycle and requires multi-disci­pli­nary expertise. CDM Smith has compre­hen­sive experience in closure planning for mines, mineral processing plants and associated infra­struc­ture for sites in Australia and overseas.

Our Australian asset closure business is structured to provide integrated services at a sector level. Our team’s range of experience and expertise allows us to prepare, design, and develop reha­bil­i­ta­tion and closure plans to be practical, imple­mentable, and widely accepted by critical stake­hold­ers, clients, and regulators. 

Asset and Mine Closure Services

  • Integrated Mine Closure Planning
  • Asset Closure
  • Closure and Rehabilitation
  • Closure Risk Assessment and Toxicology
  • Contaminated Land and Closure Planning
  • Stakeholder and Community Engagement
  • We're here to help
    Reach out to our team of experts to discuss your closure planning needs
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    Technical Lead - Sonia Finucane

    Sonia Finucane Principal Environmental Scientist Sonia Finucane Principal Environmental Scientist

    Integrative & Adaptable

    We know that custom solutions and innovation are key to success, and being flexible lets us respond to industry changes and help meet your needs. By fostering collaboration and a multidisciplinary approach, where possible, you’ll receive practical and effective solutions time and time again.


    Technical Skill

    Our local teams harness their skills and knowledge to deliver the best possible client outcome. Backed by global resources, we focus on remaining at the forefront of the industry.


    Excellence in Efficiency

    We’re focused on building efficiency in all areas of what we do. Delivering detailed results on time and within budget, complemented by clear, consistent communications.


    Quality & Compliance

    We pride ourselves in the quality of service and deliverables we provide our clients. Ensuring compliance with your OH&S requirements or any other regulations on-site. We undertake projects following third-party certified standards. 

    We're here to help
    Reach out to our team of experts to discuss your closure planning needs
    Contact US