LCRI New Year’s Resolutions: 3 Things to Focus on in 2025

LCRI New Year’s Resolutions: 3 Things to Focus on in 2025
on-demand webinar recorded jan 2025
What do water utilities need to focus on in 2025 to comply with the Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI)? Our webinar highlights the top 3 priorities for the coming year: identifying unknown service line materials in your inventory, addressing water quality challenges and new sampling requirements, and developing a funding strategy to get the lead out.

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Upon completing this course learners should be able to…

  • Understand the top priorities to comply with the Lead and Copper Rule Improve­ments in 2025
  • Learn the importance of identifying unknowns in service line inventories and getting started on replacement plans
  • Understand the new sampling require­ments and how to confirm your compliance risk before the 2028 sampling
  • Identify available funding sources and their require­ments and restric­tions


Andrea R.H. Cheng, PhD, PE has over 20 years of experience in drinking water experience, special­iz­ing in water quality, lead corrosion and lead service line replacement, and more. Prior to joining CDM Smith, she was the Commis­sioner for the Department of Water Management for the City of Chicago.

Kristin C. Epstein, PE has 12 years of experience in envi­ron­men­tal engineering and six years of experience in the drinking water industry. She also brings a unique perspective from her 10 years of experience serving in board and executive positions for non-profit orga­ni­za­tions. Her diverse background includes leading the Trenton Water Works Lead Service Line Inventory and Replacement Program in New Jersey. She has presented at several water industry conferences on topics related to the USEPA and state-specific lead and copper rule compliance (LCR) and imple­ment­ing lead service line replacement (LSLR) programs. 

Min Tang, PhD, EIT is an envi­ron­men­tal engineer with over 10 years of experience in distri­b­u­tion system water quality, corrosion and corrosion control assessment, microbial water quality management, and water treatment. Her major respon­si­bil­i­ties include development of corrosion and corrosion control assessment protocols, plans, and tools, data visu­al­iza­tion and statistical analyses, reviews of designs, reports, and draft proposals, performing and checking treatment design calcu­la­tions, preparation, and review of design drawings for treatment facilities, and development and publishing of journal, white, and technical papers.

Paniz Miesen has over 16 years of experience conducting planning and research studies related to water quality and toxicology, resource management, and risk/hazard mitigation. Since the passing of historic legislative investments in water and wastewater, Paniz has been passionate about connecting the right funds to the right projects. She currently serves as Chair of the RMS AWWA Bipartisan Infra­struc­ture Law (BIL) Task Force and has experience in the pursuit and acquisition of federal funding to support lead service line replace­ments and LCRI compliance.