Innovation Series

Mobile Tech

Eric Pescatore, GIS Specialist, shows how mobile technology is transforming communication and project execution to make paper a thing of the past.

Innovation Series
This series highlights how CDM Smith works to help our clients stay ahead of the curve. Innovation defines the way we work, helps us redefine industry standards and fuels our curiosity for the unknown.
Innovation Series
Potable Reuse

Envi­ron­men­tal engineer Jill Vandegrift talks about how research and development is advancing potable reuse capa­bil­i­ties across the industry.

Mixed Reality

Innovation and disruptive tech­nolo­gies leader Scott Aldridge discusses how mixed reality tech­nolo­gies helps to streamline commu­ni­ca­tions and bring workers together.

Anaerobic Membranes

Process water engineer Tim Rynders explains how research and development efforts around anaerobic membranes are unlocking possibilities for water reuse and energy production.

Tolling Analysis

Trans­porta­tion planner Zubair Ghafoor describes CDM Smith's National Interstate Tolling Analysis Tool and how it is revo­lu­tion­iz­ing the way trans­porta­tion planners and policy makers work.

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Innovation at CDM Smith
At CDM Smith, we urge our industry leaders to champion innovation in all they do. Learn more about our commitment to pushing the envelope for our clients.