NYCDEP Selects CDM Smith to Chart the City’s Path to a Lead-Free Future

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NYCDEP Selects CDM Smith to Chart the City’s Path to a Lead-Free Future
May 23, 2024

NEW YORK — The New York City Department of Envi­ron­men­tal Protection (DEP) has selected the CDM Smith Team to manage the initial phase of its Lead Service Line Replacement (LSLR) Program in an $8.6 million, 3-year contract focused on the systematic removal of lead service lines throughout the city.

To carry out our program management of this initial phase, CDM Smith and Trinnex will implement the strategies, processes and data management systems that all future phases of DEP’s LSLR program will rely upon while also overseeing the replacement of approx­i­mately 3,500 lead service lines (LSLs) in New York City. Using Trinnex's secure all-in-one application, leadCAST, DEP will collect vital customer data, connect with the city's construction management and GIS tools, and streamline the field replacement processes to protect the community and public health from lead. The LSLR program is voluntary, relying heavily on public outreach strategies to be successful. As a result, the city, CDM Smith and Trinnex will work collab­o­ra­tively to initiate one of the largest outreach efforts of its kind, with the goal of replacing an estimated 134,000 LSLs across all five boroughs of the city.

Our proven portfolio of data and stakeholder management strategies from our large urban projects and achievements in Newark, Chicago and Washington, D.C. strengthened this particular client’s trust in choosing CDM Smith.
Tom Schoettle, senior vice president

“Our industry-leading experience in public outreach, our LSLR program and construc­tion management expertise and the diverse capa­bil­i­ties that make up our thought­fully formed, strategic team are all contribut­ing factors to gaining NYCDEP’s full confidence in selecting our firm,” said senior vice president Tom Schoettle. “Our proven portfolio of data and stakeholder management strategies from our large urban projects and achieve­ments in Newark, Chicago and Washington, D.C. strength­ened this particular client’s trust in choosing CDM Smith.”

CDM Smith is a privately owned engineering and construc­tion firm providing legendary client service and smart solutions in water, environment, trans­porta­tion, energy, and facilities. Passionate about our work and invested in each other, we are inspired to think and driven to solve the world’s envi­ron­men­tal and infra­struc­ture challenges.

Trinnex delivers industry-specific, off-the-shelf solutions, and premium digital services to drive water infrastructure objectives forward. With a team solely focused on developing practical software applications, backed by our hands-on experience in the engineering industry, our solutions are designed with the water professional and their outcomes in mind.

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