North Carolina Turnpike Authority Selects CDM Smith to Provide Traffic and Revenue Services 

News Item
North Carolina Turnpike Authority Selects CDM Smith to Provide Traffic and Revenue Services 
June 12, 2020

NORTH CAROLINA—The North Carolina Turnpike Authority (NCTA) recently awarded CDM Smith a 3-year on-call, $2 million capacity Traffic and Revenue (T&R) Consulting Services contract. CDM Smith’s team of profes­sion­als, joined by dedicated local subcon­sul­tants, will serve NCTA’s T&R needs as they plan, develop, design and operate their current and future toll facilities.  The team will provide T&R services including but not limited to:

  • Completing T&R projections for sketch level, planning level and investment-grade studies
  • Providing opinions related to bond issuance
  • Preparing evaluations and studies of toll rates
  • Performing special studies or reports related to tolling, mobility and technology/industry trends
Since 2005, CDM Smith has proudly served the NCTA as their first T&R consultant, providing a wide variety of toll related services. During our 15 years of service, we have supported over $1 billion in project financing for the NCTA, including the first modern toll facility in North Carolina (the Triangle Expressway), as well as T&R studies for the Monroe Expressway, Complete 540 and I-40/I-440 Managed Lanes. We have also supported project finance efforts, providing presen­ta­tions and opinions to rating agencies, bond insurers and potential bond investors. 

NCTA CDM Smith will complete an investment-grade, 40-year annual T&R forecast for Complete 540 Phase 2, which will complete the NC 540 Outer Loop around the greater Raleigh area.

“We are very pleased to continue our work with the NCTA,” said Hisham Abdelaziz, PE, PMP, Associate and Client Service Leader. “CDM Smith has developed a strong reputation with the Turnpike Authority based on the quality of our past work and we’re proud that they continue to turn to us for reliable traffic and revenue services.”

CDM Smith’s first project under this master contract will be an investment-grade, 40-year annual traffic and toll revenue forecast for Complete 540 Phase 2, which will complete the NC 540 Outer Loop around the greater Raleigh area. 

CDM Smith is a privately owned engineering and construc­tion firm providing legendary client service and smart solutions in water, environment, trans­porta­tion, energy and facilities. Passionate about our work and invested in each other, we are inspired to think and driven to solve the world's envi­ron­men­tal and infra­struc­ture challenges. 

Toll booth at night
Tolling and Finance
Our traffic and revenue forecasts have supported more than $100 billion in transportation improvements around the world.
Modern Mobility
Our trans­porta­tion experts are dedicated to improving mobility now and into the future, providing innovative solutions to navigate our clients' toughest challenges and help them advance their infra­struc­ture for the long haul.
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