Firas Makarem Named President of CDM Smith's Federal Services Unit

News Item
Firas Makarem Named President of CDM Smith's Federal Services Unit
February 14, 2023

FAIRFAX, Virginia—CDM Smith is pleased to announce the appointment of Firas N. Makarem, CFM, as the new President of CDM Smith’s Federal Services Unit (FSU). Located in our Fairfax, Virginia office, Firas will lead FSU in delivering advanced solutions to support the U.S. government in protecting lives, communities and the environment at home and around the world.

Firas has devoted 27 years to project and program management, sales, strategy, executive sponsor, technical advisor and subject matter expert roles. He earned national recognition in the areas of flood management, multi-hazard mitigation, as well as program and emergency management, and has managed services to the U.S. federal government, state and local agencies, specif­i­cally those agencies with water, facilities, and disaster response and recovery missions. This included oversight of several nationwide service and construc­tion contracts with a capacity of more than $1 billion.

Since joining CDM Smith in 2005, Firas has advanced through a number of leadership roles for program, construc­tion and emergency management services globally and most recently success­fully served as Senior Vice President and Program Services Group Director committed to growing CDM Smith in the program, construc­tion and asset management markets through ingenuity, innovation, and technical lumi­nes­cence.

Our services to U.S. Government Agencies over the last 40 years demon­strate our commitment to growing and delivering for this important client globally.
Firas Makarem

With a dedication to service and an integrated under­stand­ing of open commu­ni­ca­tion, Firas takes on his new role. “Our services to U.S. Government Agencies over the last 40 years demon­strate our commitment to growing and delivering for this important client globally. I’m excited to work alongside the many talented leaders and team members to build on their successes and leverage the full strengths of the CDM Smith and Trinnex orga­ni­za­tions to drive further growth, diver­si­fi­ca­tion, and innovation to maximize our impact for our clients’ critical missions,” said Makarem.

Firas has a bachelor’s degree in urban systems engineering with a hydrology and hydraulics (H&H) and urban planning focus at George Mason University and obtained a master’s degree in engineering management with a focus in crisis, emergency, and risk management at George Washington University. He is also a certified floodplain manager. Throughout his career, Firas has been a key member of numerous industry boards and authored disaster management publi­ca­tions and presen­ta­tions. 

“It was important that the candidate demonstrate a balance of technical excellence, alignment of vision, will to win, and commitment to inspiration and leadership. Firas has demon­strated these char­ac­ter­is­tics throughout his career and is ready to lead the amazing FSU team,” said CDM Smith President and Chief Operating Officer Anthony B. Bouchard.

CDM Smith is a privately owned engineering and construc­tion firm providing legendary client service and smart solutions in water, environment, trans­porta­tion, energy, and facilities. Passionate about our work and invested in each other, we are inspired to think and driven to solve the world’s envi­ron­men­tal and infra­struc­ture challenges.

Firas Makarem, CDM Smith Federal Services Unit President