CDM Smith Projects Win 2022 ACEC Engineering Excellence Awards 

News Item
CDM Smith Projects Win 2022 ACEC Engineering Excellence Awards 
June 1, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC—The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) recognized three winning CDM Smith projects at its Engineering Excellence Awards Gala on May 24, 2022. The ACEC competition recognizes preeminent engineering achieve­ments from throughout the world, honoring the nation’s top engineering triumphs on the basis of “uniqueness and originality, complexity, and technical, economical, and social value."

The Tennessee Department of Trans­porta­tion (TDOT) was awarded a National Recognition Award for the West Hills Roundabout inter­sec­tion serving two devel­op­ments between Kingston Pike and West Town Way. CDM Smith performed a detailed traffic study leading to design for a new roundabout inter­sec­tion to serve the two proposed devel­op­ments across from West Town Mall in Knoxville. The roundabout concept provided full access to site devel­op­ments adjacent to I-40 access control—which could not have been achieved using the former signalized inter­sec­tion design. Access was increased between two commercial areas that had been blighted for years by a signalized inter­sec­tion design that limited access for business patrons. The new design improved land use development while better connecting the businesses for residents to access. The new design also enhanced safety while improving aesthetics, as well as improving the capacity for daily traffic. The modern design also provides an attractive front door to premier commercial property in Knoxville’s West Hills community.

We see transportation as a strategy to achieve quality of life and economic goals. Transportation touches everyone’s life every single day.
Justine Sydello, Principal Transportation Policy Leader

WeGo Public Transit was awarded a National Recognition Award for the WeGo Nolensville Bus Shelters, which updated key bus stops along the Nolensville Pike Corridor (SR-11) in Nashville, Tenn. including boarding islands, bike lanes, and several other unique designs. CDM Smith, working closely with WeGo, authorized the agency’s Transit Design Guidelines in 2018; the award-winning shelter designs used concepts from the updated guidelines. Eighteen modern shelters were created along the 6.5-mile corridor, two of which were designed to accommodate the large number of boardings with new amenities and real-time signage. CDM Smith worked closely with WeGo Public Transit, Metro Public Works (now NDOT), Metro Planning, and TDOT to transform the safety and acces­si­bil­ity of some of Nashville’s busiest transit stops in high transit locations, with pedestrian improve­ments, ADA-compliant ramps, raised bicycle track stops, and convenient trash receptacles.

The city of Asheville, N.C. was awarded a National Recognition Award for the River Arts District Trans­porta­tion Improvement Project (RADTIP). The trans­porta­tion corridor improvement project included a two-mile portion of the Wilma Dykeman Greenway along the French Broad River. A major industrial area in the early 1900s, including a former cotton mill, the District has been converted into art studios, restaurants, river tubing, and other commercial venues. CDM Smith completed street improve­ments such as sidewalks, greenways, bike lanes, on-street parking, and two roundabouts to properly serve the needs of all trans­porta­tion system users visiting the River Arts District. What was once a traditional corridor traveling north-south has been radically transformed to provide trans­porta­tion options for each member of the community. This area along the French Broad River continues to grow as new and reused mixed-use buildings offer more living and workspace, while the space can now be enjoyed on foot, by bike, stroller, or even roller skates to promote a healthier community.

CDM Smith is a privately owned engineering and construc­tion firm providing legendary client service and smart solutions in water, environment, trans­porta­tion, energy and facilities. Passionate about our work and invested in each other, we are inspired to think and driven to solve the world's envi­ron­men­tal and infra­struc­ture challenges.

Douglas LaVoie
Teamwork is the differentiator that drives the success of all that we do.
Doug LaVoie Transportation Services Group Manager

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