CDM Smith Invests in Future STEM Changemakers with Annual Scholarships

News Item
CDM Smith Invests in Future STEM Changemakers with Annual Scholarships
August 31, 2023
CDM Smith continues investing in STEM education and the future workforce through annual academic scholarships, including new awards for technical and vocational students.

 BOSTON—In a continued commitment to invest in the education and grow the bench strength of future innovators and leaders in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), CDM Smith proudly awarded its annual academic schol­ar­ships to students pursuing STEM focused degrees. Established more than two decades ago, the firm’s scholarship program has a long history of supporting students in their academic pursuits and advocating for the advancement of STEM disciplines and career development.

This year’s scholarship recipients are pursuing degrees in civil, electrical, envi­ron­men­tal and mechanical engineering at some of the top colleges and univer­si­ties in the U.S. CDM Smith is honored to recognize the talents of these driven students and support their aspirations to solve some of the biggest challenges facing the world today. Challenges like designing efficient trans­porta­tion systems, preserving the environment, developing sustainable and clean energy and building resilient infra­struc­ture. By investing in their academic pursuits, CDM Smith continues to support the growth of STEM talent and pave the way for a brighter future.

I am immensely proud to champion STEM education and forge a path for future generations through our scholarship program.
Tim Wall, Chairman and CEO

The firm is proud to be a leader in diversity and inclusion and its scholarship program is a testament to its efforts to increase industry repre­sen­ta­tion and build a more diverse workforce. Scholarship categories include merit based as well as awards targeted to women, histor­i­cally margin­al­ized communities and individuals facing hardships that might impact their education. “I am immensely proud to champion STEM education and forge a path for future generations through our scholarship program. At CDM Smith, we value unique and diverse perspec­tives that enable us to make a greater difference in the world and our scholarship recipients embody this pillar of our culture,” said CDM Smith Chairman and CEO Tim Wall.

CDM Smith’s traditional schol­ar­ships are awarded annually to eight students, and this year two additional schol­ar­ships were established for students pursuing eligible under­grad­u­ate programs at accredited two-year colleges or vocational-technical schools to inspire careers in fields like civil, envi­ron­men­tal, electrical, automation, instru­men­ta­tion and controls, data analytics and other similar disciplines. Through the new awards, the firm is placing a spotlight on the wide spectrum of construc­tion related career paths to foster the growth of students interested in this expanding industry.

To learn more about our scholarship program as well as internship and co-op oppor­tu­ni­ties, visit www.​cdmsmith.​com/​students.

CDM Smith is a privately owned engineering and construction firm providing legendary client service and smart solutions in water, environment, transportation, energy, and facilities. Passionate about our work and invested in each other, we are inspired to think and driven to solve the world’s environmental and infrastructure challenges.