CDM Smith at NEWEA 2020

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CDM Smith at NEWEA 2020
January 2, 2020
We are thrilled to showcase so many of our water stars at the NEWEA 2020 conference. Learn more about the experts you'll want to catch to get the most out of your conference experience.

Monday, January 27

8:30 AM O&M Opti­miza­tion via a Living Hydraulic Model with Brian Brown and Laurie Kellndorfer. Hot Topic: Collection Systems

9:30 AM All Over Over-Unders! Addressing I/I, Water Quality and CSO Abatement with an Over/Under Manhole Program with Jesse Herman and Karilyn Hesien. Hot Topic: Collection Systems

Tuesday, January 28

9:30 AM Full-Scale Loading Test at the MFN Regional Wastewater District Infil­tra­tion Basins for Assessing Maximum Capacity with Katie Swanson and Buvana Ramaswamy. Hot Topic: Water Reuse

3:00 PM Beyond the Report—Integrating a Town-wide SSES Study with a District LTCP and CMOM Program with Kate Biedron and John Harper. Hot Topic: Collection Systems

3:00 PM A Decision Support Tool to Increase Resilience for the Mouse River Enhanced Flood Protection Project with Laurie Kellndorfer, Mike Schmidt and Richard Wagner. Hot Topic: Integrated Planning

Wednesday, January 29

10:00 AM Achieving Nutrient Removal in High-Purity Oxygen Systems with Bill McConnellHot Topic: Plant Operations 

Bill McConnell
It’s very gratifying to see your work result in a well-functioning system that works as intended, resulting in happy clients and environmental benefits.