CDM Smith Presents 2019 Awards in Technical Excellence, Mentorship and Innovation 

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CDM Smith Presents 2019 Awards in Technical Excellence, Mentorship and Innovation 
April 28, 2020

BOSTON—CDM Smith held its Annual Meeting remotely on April 14, 2020, virtually welcoming direct share­hold­ers of the privately owned firm to an online meeting as we continue to practice physical distancing during the coronavirus pandemic. In addition to celebrating a strong performance in 2019, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Tim Wall announced the winners of CDM Smith’s Annual Awards recognizing outstanding teams and individuals who demonstrate technical excellence, career development and exceptional client service.

Best Technical Paper Awards

The Best Technical Paper Awards program recognizes individuals for delivering technical excellence, advancing the firm as an industry leader, and showcasing our expertise. CDM Smith awards $10,000 each to the primary authors of the best paper in a peer reviewed journal and the best paper in a non-peer reviewed publication.

Senior Vice President Mark Maimone, PhD, PE, DWRE, BCEE, won the Best Peer-Reviewed Paper award for his paper Trans­form­ing Global Climate Model Precip­i­ta­tion Output for Use in Urban Stormwater Appli­ca­tions. The paper was published by the Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.

Jorge Arevalo, PhD, PE, and his co-authors Jonathan Treadway, PE, PMP, BCEE, and Trenton Jackson, PE, won the Best Non-Peer-Reviewed Paper award for their paper Pilot Testing RO to Remove PFOS and other Emerging Cont­a­m­i­nants from a Surface Water Supply.  The paper was presented at the American Membrane Technology Association (AMTA) and American Water Works Association (AWWA) 2019 Membrane Technology Conference. 

CDM Smith also awarded four Honorable Mention Paper Awards with a $2,000 prize attached to each.

The Best Peer-Reviewed Papers winning Honorable Mention Awards include:

  • Flow Distri­b­u­tion to Multiple Treatment Trains and Aerated Grit Tank Improve­ments in Compu­ta­tional Fluid Dynamics: Appli­ca­tions in Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Treatment by Carrie Knatz

The Best Non-Peer-Reviewed Papers winning Honorable Mention Awards include:

  • Imple­ment­ing the world's largest PAA delivery system in Memphis: performance testing, on-going operations and lessons learned by Brian Hilts and Sarah Stewart
  • A decision support tool to increase resilience for the Mouse River Enhanced Flood Protection Project by Michael F. Schmidt, Laurie Locke and Richard A. Wagner
PMP Career Development
Career Development at CDM Smith
At CDM Smith, we offer a differ­en­ti­at­ing suite of profes­sional development tools, programs and resources to help you become the best at what you want to do.

President's Awards

The President’s Award program recognizes outstanding individuals in the areas of Innovation and Mentorship for the prior year. Recipients are nominated by their colleagues across the firm and winners are selected by President and Chief Operating Officer Tony Bouchard from a very competitive field in both areas of distinction. Each recipient of the President’s Awards receives a career development package of up to $5,000.


The 2019 President’s Award for Mentorship was awarded to Senior Vice President Danny Shannon, PE, BCEE, for his generous coaching and mentoring of many colleagues during his nearly 40-year career with CDM Smith.


The 2019 President’s Award for Innovation was awarded to two individuals:

  • Senior Vice President Cory Rogers—With more than 20 years of designing and building software appli­ca­tions, Cory created a state-of-the-art technology stack solution that is a leading-edge platform to house CDM Smith products, ensuring rapid and reliable deployment of high-quality solutions.
  • Principal Zubair Ghafoor—Zubair demon­strated the true spirit of innovation as the trans­porta­tion industry is transformed by the next generation of data collection and analysis using computer vision and artificial intel­li­gence. Zubair’s initiative, intel­lec­tual curiosity and leadership in this field allow us to better serve our clients. 

Thomas Camp Award

The Thomas Camp Award—named for our founder—represents the essential integration of client service, technical excellence and exemplary business results. The Thomas Camp Award recognizes the project and project team that best achieves all three facets of excellence. 

The 2019 winner of the Thomas Camp Award was the Trap Rock Water Treatment Facility for Loudoun Water, a 20-mgd greenfield water treatment plant in Virginia.

“Congrat­u­la­tions to the Trap Rock Team,” said Tim Wall, “who created a legendary client experience for Loudoun Water by integrating outstanding client service with technical and business excellence in delivering innovative, state-of-the-art treatment technology and an iconic facility that serves as the centerpiece of Loudoun Water’s mission of providing high-quality drinking water to its customers.” 

CDM Smith is a privately owned engineering and construc­tion firm providing legendary client service and smart solutions in water, environment, trans­porta­tion, energy and facilities. Passionate about our work and invested in each other, we are inspired to think and driven to solve the world's envi­ron­men­tal and infra­struc­ture challenges.

Trap Rock
A Sustainable Water Supply in Virginia
Learn more about the state-of-the-art Trap Rock Water Treatment Facility and finished water transmission system.