Michael Plagens, AICP, PMP
“What drives me is working with others to deliver innovative and quality projects for our clients. Developing and communicating new ideas by drawing on each other’s professional strengths helps make our team’s product better,” says Michael Plagens, CDM Smith’s senior transportation planner.
Michael has over 20 years of experience in the field, providing planning, consulting, and technical services for state and regional transportation agencies and local communities. He specializes in freight planning, strategic planning, long-range needs analyses, project prioritization, database management and geographic information systems support.
His most notable professional accomplishment was becoming a certified project manager through the Project Management Institute. “Throughout this intense and extensive course of study I was supported and encouraged by CDM Smith leadership to challenge myself and receive my PMP. CDM Smith has given me the opportunity to now help other project managers reach for their certifications,” he says.
“CDM Smith’s staff has different strengths, talents and capabilities that come together to deliver quality projects for our clients, and we have good people that work hard. I think clients appreciate and enjoy working with our staff. It’s our staff that makes CDM Smith memorable and a firm they respect and trust,” he says.

Teamwork is essential for success. There's no obstacle we can't overcome, the impossible will just take us longer.