Kazi Hassan, PE, PMP, ENV SP
“I get to work in a field that most people take for granted,” says Kazi Hassan, senior project manager. “We all expect roads, bridges, and all transportation infrastructure to be there and travel on them without much thought. Few times when road or bridge is out of commission, most people realize the significance of these facilities. As an engineer we understand the importance of our work and how it contributes to society's quality of life.”
Kazi has nearly two decades of experience delivering legendary client service. His dual focus as the discipline leader for roadway design and climate resilience with a concentration in transportation design allows him to bring a fresh perspective to a variety of markets. His project experience includes PennDOT PS&E packages, highway occupancy permit plans, maintenance and protection of traffic plans, geometric design, pavement design, QA/QC, and construction services.
“My proudest project was Germantown Avenue on the outskirts of Philadelphia. It was my first complete project I worked on after college,” he says. “It’s a historic street with trolley lines in the middle of the roadway. Not only did I get to design roadway, I was able to learn the design aspects of rail lines, utilities, bridges, lighting, and various historic regulations. The project fully reconstructed over a mile of roadway, but it still had the same look and feel of the original historic street.”
“CDM Smith is a global leader in design and innovation," says Kazi. "It's great to work for a company that conducts research programs and implements the knowledge to our infrastructure.”

As a transportation engineer, we design facilities that will be used by thousands of people in a day and millions of people over a lifetime. We are designing the future of our world.