Malfunction Junction No More: Transforming Transportation for South Carolina

Malfunction Junction No More: Transforming Transportation for South Carolina
SCDOT Lexington and Richland Counties
SCDOT, with help from CDM Smith, is reconstructing the top priority interstate congestion project in the state utilizing a forward-thinking quality assurance program. Once complete, the Carolina Crossroads project is estimated to save daily travelers about 112 hours per year sitting in traffic on the I-20, I-26, and I-126 interstate corridors.

South Carolina is beloved by both tourists and residents with deep roots in the state. Myrtle Beach often tops the list of family-favorite vacation desti­na­tions. The mountains of the upstate are home to Clemson University, thriving urban centers, and a booming industrial economy. The southern charm of Charleston’s cobblestone streets can make just about anyone crave the region’s signature shrimp and grits. In the Midlands of South Carolina lies the City of Columbia, fondly known as “Soda City,” home to the state’s flagship university, historic sites, and museums. Residents and visitors alike need solid trans­porta­tion infra­struc­ture to support their routines, whether commuting to work or jetting off to enjoy a day in the Palmetto State. The South Carolina Department of Trans­porta­tion (SCDOT) has embarked on the Carolina Crossroads project to deliver over $2 billion in improve­ments along the top priority interstate improvement corridor.

In the heart of the state, I-20, I-26, and I-126 interstate corridors represent the crossroads of the economy and serve as a hub for commuters, commerce, and travelers, with over 134,000 vehicles daily. Previously dubbed “Malfunction Junction” by frustrated commuters, the “Carolina Crossroads” project is a series of major highway improve­ments to keep commuters, visitors, and the freight industry moving efficiently and safely through the Midlands of South Carolina. After construc­tion, the average commuter that frequents this corridor is estimated to save 112 hours each year-that’s about five days per year spent sitting in traffic.

Using both design-build and conven­tional methods of project delivery, Carolina Crossroads will improve over 14 miles of interstate roadway, impacting 166 lane miles with conceptual plans to reconstruct 12 inter­changes with 44 new or improved bridge structures. In the middle of it all will be the recon­fig­u­ra­tion of the system-to-system interchange of I-20 and I-26 to reduce congestion and improve safety. CDM Smith is assisting SCDOT in the delivery of the multi-project, phased program by providing construc­tion management and owner veri­fi­ca­tion testing and inspection (CM/OVTI) services. This innovative quality assurance program is a first for SCDOT, and CDM Smith is honored to support the state in its innovative strategy.

Working as the owner veri­fi­ca­tion firm for SCDOT, CDM Smith is monitoring and verifying quality of construc­tion activities by completing random and periodic owner veri­fi­ca­tion and testing of an independent quality firm on the design-build team. The independent quality firm performs quality acceptance testing as part of the contractor's team, and the CDM Smith team completes a final assessment to verify that all materials and workmanship meet spec­i­fi­ca­tions and standards. All parties collaborate to ensure quality and delivery are exceptional. 

“As SCDOT’s owner veri­fi­ca­tion firm, the team has supported with systems and process development, construc­tion management, owner veri­fi­ca­tion inspection and testing, statistical validation of contractor performed materials testing and quarterly reporting for FHWA concurrence,” says Thad Brunson, project manager.

Carolina Crossroads will improve mobility, enhance traffic operations, accommodate future traffic needs and enhance safety throughout the corridor.
Thad Brunson, project manager

“We're excited to be SCDOT’s consultant of choice to assist in the delivery of this signature project using an innovative quality approach,” Brunson said. CDM Smith is also supporting community and public relations efforts to ensure the travelers' needs are prioritized, as well as imple­ment­ing a statistical analysis software built for SCDOT, overseeing envi­ron­men­tal compliance, coor­di­nat­ing right-of-way, traffic, and providing a testing lab accredited by AASHTO. When finished, Carolina Crossroads will be the largest single trans­porta­tion program in state history. “I am honored to lead the CDM Smith team and value the experience and rela­tion­ships we have developed,” said Brunson.

What will Carolina Crossroads achieve?


IconReduce traffic congestion: This project aims to give travelers back approx­i­mately 112 hours spent each year sitting in traffic, so they can spend those hours out of the car doing the things they enjoy. 

IconImprove safety: Driver safety is top priority, and weaving movements near the I-20/I-26 interchange demand tricky driving maneuvers, resulting in more congestion and higher collision rates. SCDOT is doing away with the need for drivers to cross 3 lanes of traffic in a half-mile distance. 

IconUpgrade infra­struc­ture: The team is replacing cloverleaf loops with a modern interchange to make trans­fer­ring highways safer for drivers. Roadways will include a 12-foot shoulder to accommodate emergency vehicles, traffic lanes will be added in each direction, and exits will be longer and more separated.

IconSupport population and economic growth: The area’s population is projected to grow 70% by 2040, and reliable infra­struc­ture will accommodate this growth. 

Thad Brunson
We're excited to be SCDOT’s consultant of choice to assist in the delivery of this signature project.

What is owner verification? 

The owner verification firm performs random and periodic verification testing and inspection, independent of a separate contractor-hired quality firm. Understanding the owner's needs to determine compliance with project requirements is key. 

See our work in trans­porta­tion CEI