The Rise of Desalination: Solving Water Quality and Supply Issues through Reverse Osmosis

The Rise of Desalination: Solving Water Quality and Supply Issues through Reverse Osmosis

on-demand webinar recorded nov 2023
As the limitations on freshwater supplies increases due to more extreme weather conditions and water quality degradation, the demand for both brackish and seawater water desalination is expected to increase across the United States of America. In areas of population growth and water supply sustainability risk, municipalities, government agencies and industrial water users are already seeking alternative supplies such as desalination. The applications for desalination technologies are expected to increase.

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What you'll learn by attending:

  • Identify desali­na­tion tech­nolo­gies
  • Understand how reverse osmosis works
  • Identify reverse osmosis appli­ca­tions
  • Understand design consid­er­a­tions for BWRO and SWRO

Matthew Trzcinski is a desali­na­tion discipline leader with an impressive career spanning nearly three decades, special­iz­ing in applying membrane tech­nolo­gies to water treatment processes across the municipal, industrial, and commercial sectors. He has contributed to multiple significant projects such as the Appomattox Gulf of Mexico Semi-Submersible Deep-Water project, phases 1 and 2 of the Newark Desali­na­tion Facility in Newark, California, and the Kay Bailey Hutchison Desali­na­tion Facility in El Paso, Texas, which is currently the largest inland desali­na­tion plant in the U.S.  

Rubén Muñoz has more than 17 years of profes­sional experience in engineering and desali­na­tion projects. His experience includes large seawater reverse osmosis desali­na­tion plants with capacities ranging from 20 MGD up to 228 MGD. He has experience in all phase of the project cycles of desali­na­tion plants from early stages of concep­tu­al­iza­tion, permitting and pilot testing, bidding, contract negotiation and awarding, and project delivery including engineering, commis­sion­ing, start up, performance test and operational opti­miza­tion.