How can integrated infrastructure planning lead to sustainable development? 

How can integrated infrastructure planning lead to sustainable development? 
In the face of rapid urbanization, aging infrastructure and growing environmental challenges, siloed planning and fragmented decision-making are losing to integrated infrastructure planning, a comprehensive and sustainable approach to forward-thinking corridor development. 

What is integrated infra­struc­ture planning? Where does its power lie?  

Integrated infra­struc­ture planning seeks to coordinate and streamline the planning, design, and construc­tion of various infra­struc­ture projects within the right-of-way. Unlike traditional approaches that focus on individual sectors, this method considers the inter­con­nect­ed­ness of different elements above, below and on the street-level to minimize disruptions during planned construc­tion or excavation projects via a "dig once" approach

“By involving the various stake­hold­ers—govern­men­tal agencies, utility providers, community orga­ni­za­tions and the private sector—at every stage of the planning process, this method ensures that infra­struc­ture projects align with a community’s broader goals and priorities,” says Jayson Brennen, CDM Smith’s asset management practice leader. “Not only that, but it also fosters a greater sense of trans­parency, trust, and account­abil­ity, which leads to more inclusive and equitable outcomes,” Brennen says. 

Integrated infra­struc­ture planning is crucial in building more resilient and sustainable communities by integrating climate change adaptation, green infra­struc­ture, and disaster risk reduction so communities can future-proof their assets and minimize the potential impacts of climate-related events. Planners can also leverage Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and other data-driven analytics tools to more easily identify oppor­tu­ni­ties for opti­miza­tion, assess project feasibility, and prioritize investments based on quan­tifi­able criteria.  

"We'll find ourselves drastically lowering total construc­tion costs and reducing workforce limitations; we’re accom­plish­ing more resilient infra­struc­ture systems and reaching those infra­struc­ture goals at the regional level,” says Jenny Humphreys, CDM Smith’s complete corridors leader. 

Adopting it is not just a choice but a necessity for building a better future for all. By working together on an integrated approach to infra­struc­ture planning, communities can create a vibrant, resilient, and sustainable future for generations to come. 

Jayson Brennan
By involving various stake­hold­ers at every stage of the planning process, this method ensures that infra­struc­ture projects align with a community’s broader goals and priorities.
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