1st and 5th Liter Sampling for Lead and Copper Rule Compliance

1st and 5th Liter Sampling for Lead and Copper Rule Compliance
This five minute video reviews the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) sampling protocols and walks through the sample collection process.

LCR sampling protocols require water customers to collect fifth liter tap samples. Water collected in the fifth liter samples represents the water that has been sitting in a water service line outside of the house, whereas the first liter represents the water in contact with the faucet and interior plumbing.

Autumn McNeil Autumn McNeil
Sampling the fifth liter provides a more accurate reading of lead levels in the home.
Autumn McNeill, MPH Environmental Planner
1st and 5th Liter Sampling for Lead and Copper Rule Compliance 1st and 5th Liter Sampling for Lead and Copper Rule Compliance
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