Locating “Lead-Lined” Iron Pipes in Drinking Water Distribution Systems

Locating “Lead-Lined” Iron Pipes in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
Kristin Epstein, PE Isabel Rodrigues
Lead-lined iron and steel pipes, once common in U.S. water systems, are often overlooked due to incomplete records and the limitations of standard inspections. Without additional inves­ti­ga­tion, these pipes may go undetected, posing risks. This article provides historical insights to help utilities assess whether further inves­ti­ga­tion is necessary when developing service line inventories. Excerpts of this article were taken courtesy of WaterWorld Magazine, published Aug. 12, 2024.

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Download this white paper to find out if your water system needs to perform further inves­ti­ga­tion during service line inventory development to detect lead-lined pipes. Complete the form to access it now!