Lead & Copper Rule Revisions Compliance Readiness Checklist 

Lead & Copper Rule Revisions Compliance Readiness Checklist 
This checklist provides an overview of the require­ments to meet the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) and includes the EPA’s Inventory Guidance released in August 2022.
Lead and Copper Rule Improve­ments (LCRI)
The LCRI became effective on October 30, 2024 but is currently being challenged in the court and by Congress. Stay up to date on any changes to the LCRR or LCRI by subscribing to our newsletter.
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Download our checklist
Download this interactive checklist by completing the form to review the require­ments of the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) released in August 2022.
LiDW Campaiign Downloadable

some of our lead iN drInking water work