How We Give

How We Give
At CDM Smith, we strive to be an integral part of the communities we serve, making a positive impact through our work, building relationships and supporting one another. Our firm and employees give back to nonprofit organizations and causes that we care about on a regular basis. In 2023, we continued to make an impact through corporate donations, volunteer efforts, fundraisers, student scholarships and awareness events around the world, and had some fun while we were at it! Here’s some of the ways we contributed:

CDM Smith Cares

CDM Smith Cares The CDM Smith Cares program en­cour­ages employee-led vol­un­teer outreach ac­tiv­i­ties that build com­mu­nity and improve quality of life through local efforts. Our em­ploy­ees have a strong com­mit­ment to helping com­mu­ni­ties—our own and those in need around the world. We are active, caring, global citizens who annually con­tribute thou­sands of hours to civic and char­i­ta­ble causes, an­swer the call of those in dis­tressed com­mu­ni­ties, help others to help them­selves, and create legacies of hope for future gen­er­a­tions.

In 2024, CDM Smith Cares resulted in…

volunteer hours
fundraising events

What #givingback looks like at CDM Smith

CDM Smith Cares
Employees in our Jacksonville office donated supplies and volunteered their time to Clay County Animal Services.
CDM Smith Cares
Wadsworth based field workers raised funds for breast cancer awareness.
CDM Smith Cares
Employees in our Jacksonville office donated supplies and volunteered their time to Clay County Animal Services.
CDM Smith Cares
Wadsworth based field workers raised funds for breast cancer awareness.
CDM Smith Cares
Our Columbia office held its second annual Adopt-A-Street trash pickup.
CDM Smith Cares
Employees in Denver celebrated Pi Day with a treat sale to benefit Water For People.
CDM Smith Cares
The UF Health Proton Therapy Institute thanks CDM Smith employees for donating $25,000 through our Wellness Program.
CDM Smith Cares
Our Columbia office held its second annual Adopt-A-Street trash pickup.
CDM Smith Cares
Employees in Denver celebrated Pi Day with a treat sale to benefit Water For People.
CDM Smith Cares
The UF Health Proton Therapy Institute thanks CDM Smith employees for donating $25,000 through our Wellness Program.
CDM Smith Cares
Representatives from the Austin office volunteered at the Central Texas Food Bank.
CDM Smith Cares
The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp thanks CDM Smith employees for donating $25,000 through our Wellness Program.
CDM Smith Cares
Austin employees gathered for the 10th Annual Water for People Volleyball Tournament.
CDM Smith Cares
Representatives from the Austin office volunteered at the Central Texas Food Bank.
CDM Smith Cares
The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp thanks CDM Smith employees for donating $25,000 through our Wellness Program.
CDM Smith Cares
Austin employees gathered for the 10th Annual Water for People Volleyball Tournament.
CDM Smith Cares
Jacksonville employees raised money for Water For People at the 18th Annual AWWA Fishing Tournament.
CDM Smith Cares
Carlsbad and Irvine offices teamed up to provide stockings to U.S. troops for the holidays.
CDM Smith Cares
The National Kidney Donation Organization thanks CDM Smith employees for donating $25,000 through our Wellness Program.
CDM Smith Cares
Jacksonville employees raised money for Water For People at the 18th Annual AWWA Fishing Tournament.
CDM Smith Cares
Carlsbad and Irvine offices teamed up to provide stockings to U.S. troops for the holidays.
CDM Smith Cares
The National Kidney Donation Organization thanks CDM Smith employees for donating $25,000 through our Wellness Program.
CDM Smith Cares
STEM for Her thanks CDM Smith employees for donating $25,000 through our Wellness Program.
CDM Smith Cares
CDM Smith Boston hosted scholars from the Upward Project for a day of career development.
CDM Smith Cares
Several employees from our Boston office participated in the annual JP Morgan Corporate Challenge race to raise funds for Water For People.
CDM Smith Cares
STEM for Her thanks CDM Smith employees for donating $25,000 through our Wellness Program.
CDM Smith Cares
CDM Smith Boston hosted scholars from the Upward Project for a day of career development.
CDM Smith Cares
Several employees from our Boston office participated in the annual JP Morgan Corporate Challenge race to raise funds for Water For People.
CDM Smith Cares
The Charlotte office came together for its annual Roadway Cleanup.
CDM Smith Cares
Boston office employees made donations, shopped for holiday gifts and wrapped packages for local children and families.
CDM Smith Cares
The Charlotte office came together for its annual Roadway Cleanup.
CDM Smith Cares
Boston office employees made donations, shopped for holiday gifts and wrapped packages for local children and families.

Water For People

10 CDM Smith employees in hiking gear at the top of a mountain with a check for Water For People CDM Smith and our em­ploy­ees sup­port Water For Peo­ple, an in­ter­na­tional hu­man­i­tar­ian or­ga­ni­za­tion of ded­i­cated peo­ple who rec­og­nize water as a pri­mary build­ing block of life. Each year, our an­nual giv­ing cam­paign raises funds to help de­vel­op­ing com­mu­ni­ties gain ac­cess to safe drink­ing water, bet­ter san­i­ta­tion, and pub­lic health ed­u­ca­tion. Since beginning our annual Workplace Giving Campaign in 2005, CDM Smith has contributed more than $2.2 million to Water For People!

Not only do CDM Smith and Water For People share the same be­lief that every human being de­serves last­ing ac­cess to safe water and san­i­ta­tion, but our em­ploy­ees are mo­ti­vated by the same set of core val­ues. It is this align­ment of mis­sion and promise of qual­ity of life that for­ti­fies our partnership.

In 2024, our WFP campaign resulted in...

participating offices
in funds to WFP
payroll contributors

Our Wellness Program

Through our wellness incentive, partic­i­pat­ing CDM Smith employees, as well as their spouses and partners, track healthy behaviors and are rewarded points for their accom­plish­ments. At the end of each quarter, our employees pool together their millions of points to support nonprofit orga­ni­za­tions that could use our help.

Our Wellness Program’s Impact since 2017…

orga­ni­za­tions supported by our employee wellness program
donated through our employee wellness program

Engineers Without Borders

Engineers Without BordersThe goal of En­gi­neers With­out Bor­ders (EWB) is to make an im­pact to those com­mu­ni­ties that seek help by en­gag­ing with them di­rectly to finding options for solving their prob­lems or meet­ing their basic needs. CDM Smith has been an official corporate partner of Engineers Without Borders - USA since 2007.

This commu­nity-dri­ven de­vel­op­ment ap­proach by EWB-USA while fos­ter­ing our fu­ture lead­ers is an ex­cel­lent match for CDM Smith and all its em­ploy­ees. The firm and our employees support EWB-USA financially and most importantly, our employees volunteer their time and ex­pertise on pro­gram and pro­ject teams. For em­ploy­ees that di­rectly par­tic­i­pate, they can re­ceive grant funds for their ef­forts. In ad­di­tion, our em­ploy­ees lead local chap­ters, serve on com­mit­tees, and or­ga­nize fundrais­ing events to sup­port the work.

Since 2007, CDM Smith has given nearly $1 million to support EWB efforts, including funding travel grants so our employees can volunteer on EWB projects around the world. We have also supported EWB student chapters, regional workshops/seminars and inter­na­tional conferences.