Sarah Leviston
Sarah is an approved Registrant of ACTRA (Australasian College of Toxicology and Risk Assessment), with over a decade of experience in risk modelling and human health risk assessment. She graduated with a Bachelor’s in Applied Science (Environmental Science), complemented by a Diploma in Applied Science (Conservation Ecology) and further studies in applied toxicology.
She is proficient in vapour intrusion and direct contact human health risk assessments, landfill gas risk assessments and ecological risk assessments. She has prepared numerous human health risk assessments, which were reviewed and accepted by EPA Victoria, EPA Appointed Auditors and their support staff, and the Department of Health in Western Australia. Sarah is recognised in the industry for her risk assessment work and is an active member of the Australian Contaminated Land Consultants Association (ACLCA) - Risk Assessment Subcommittee.
She has also been involved in ecological risk assessment for several projects concerning PFAS, soil to groundwater pathways (including leachate) and sediment quality in terrestrial and marine settings, including derivation of site-specific sediment criteria associated with background pollutants, per ANZECC/ARMCANZ 2000 Sediment Quality Guidelines (and the CSIRO revision – 2013).
Additionally, Sarah is well-versed in contaminated land-related projects involving numerous developments and commercial, industrial, and petroleum sites.

- Contaminated Land
- Detailed Risk Modelling
- Human Health Risk Assessment
- Vapour Intrusion
- Landfill Risk Assessment
- Environmental Risk Assessment
- Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)