Health & Safety
Elements of our successful H&S program include:
- Leadership of the Corporate H&S Officer, unit presidents and network of H&S managers in every business unit
- Comprehensive H&S training
- Accurate reporting, analysis, and investigations
- Medical surveillance program overseen by a board-certified occupational physician
- Project health and safety plans
Thanks to this vigorous program, CDM Smith has consistently achieved experience modification, total recordable incident, and lost workday incident rates much better than industry average.
CDM Smith has received numerous awards from the National Safety Council. To qualify for the Occupational Excellence Achievement Award, organizations must maintain a lost workday incident rate equal to or less than 50 percent of the industry average. Perfect Record Awards require 12 months or more of work with no lost time injuries or illnesses. Million Work Hours Awards recognize organizations or projects that have worked more than one million hours without a lost time injury. Certificate of Merit Awards provide recognition of outstanding safety practices and performance. The Superior Safety Performance Award required 10 years without a lost time injury. Safety Leadership awards required 5+ years without a lost time injury.
2021 National Safety Council Awards
- 2 Industry Leader Awards
- 28 Occupational Excellence Achievement Awards
- 10 Perfect Record Awards
- 3 Hazard Recognition Awards
- 8 Million Work Hours Awards
- 3 Safety Service Awards
- 1 Superior Safety Performance Award
2020 National Safety Council Awards
- 2 Industry Leader Awards
2019 National Safety Council Awards
- 2 Occupational Excellence Achievement Awards
2018 National Safety Council Awards
- 6 Occupational Excellence Achievement Awards
- 1 Perfect Record Award
- 2 Million Work Hour Awards
- 2 Corporate Culture of Safety Awards