For Excellent Results

For Excellent Results
At CDM Smith, quality is a constant requirement and daily challenge to which all employees are committed. On the basis of ISO 9001:2015, we have established a management system that ensures client and goal-oriented processes throughout the company and contin­u­ously improves the quality of our services.

Assuming respon­si­bil­ity - quality is a management task. The head of our quality management department is a member of the Executive Board and is also responsible for risk management. This underlines the importance of quality management and the main requirement of ISO 9001:2015 is taken into account on a daily basis.

Identifying potential for improvement - The CDM Smith quality management system includes detailed process descrip­tions, including continuous quality assurance mechanisms in the course of the project and targeted stress tests for our work results. We also gain valuable insights from client satis­fac­tion surveys and direct client conver­sa­tions, which are incor­po­rated into the continuous improvement process of our management system.

Promoting talent - CDM Smith maintains a training and development system supported by both internal and external trainers. The superior system of the CDM Smith Group is accredited by the Inter­na­tional Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). 

ISO 9001 Certificate CDM Smith Germany